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Is there a Mod to do this yet? Is it possible to make?

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So I love ONI, really, but sometimes I want things a bit more uniform.   What I have been looking for is a mod or way to force POI's and Vents to spawn on 'floor tiles' - at 'ideal floor levels'.

I was thinking there might be a mod to make this, where the base of the starting point (The Printing Pod/Us?) as the 'floor height' and then calculate during world gen creation where POIs shoudl be - and 'nudge' them to similar heights.


So if "printing pod floor" is 0 -  and a POI would spawn it's neutronium (for vents/etc) or its 'floor' for other POIs - at 0 - it would spawn just fine, but if it would normally want to be at say +2 (2 tiles up from floor height of the printing pod) it would Nudge it 'toward the middle of the map" (to avoid too high/too low spawns) - in this case, -2 blocks down, to 0.  But it would have "viable spawn floors" every 5. (the typical room height being 4, and the 'ceiling' or 'floor of next level' being the 5th) 


This would re-grid the entire map(s) to this system, so something spawning at +67 would be nudged down to the nearest "floor" - at every "5" height. (so 65)  since 0 would be our starting floor (printing pod floor) and 5 up would be +5 (4 room then another floor) - every 5 and -5 would be "floors"  this should - in theory - be able to be coded into world generation spawn.

Which ... is why I ask.. am I missing it in mods? Is it called something obscure? or am I the only person to want this? Or.. is it actually not possible to mod into the game?

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short answer: very hard to mod in and the alternatives are way easier

long answer:

geysers are stored in world templates, these get placed via POITemplatePlacing during worldgen. The worldgen itself requires maxed out Sanity to comprehend, its very complicated, entwined and goes a lot of uncommon paths, making it very difficult to mod.

the alternative to that is a lot easier to implement: simply move the poi after spawning.

this can be done using the alt+q debug command, but there are also mods like the Movable Features mod that allows dupes with a special skill to move the geyser to a new location

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