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Suggestion about "Space Race"=4.9%

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To developers

I am very disappointed that only 4.9% of players launched a rocket in the ONI+SO achievement on STEAM. I think this fact has a huge impact on the business of Spaced Out!, which expands the space and rokets.

But at the same time, I think it's a natural result. At least for me, a casual gamer, I think ONI and SO's rockets are very difficult. Below are the reasons and suggestions for improvement based on my experience.

★Outer space is too far away
In ONI, the distance from the printing pod to space is so far that it takes a very long time to get there. This eliminates the desire to go to outer space. In SO, outer space is a little closer, but it's still far away. If space is visible about 20 tiles above the printing pod, it will be easier to keep players interested in space and rockets.

★Procuring fuel is not easy
Even when player finally reach outer space, steam is difficult to handle and crude oil is far from space, so player lose the desire to fly a rocket. This has been alleviated a bit in SO, but only slightly. "Steam geysers and crude oil exist in the upper layers of asteroids. No GEO tuner is required. All fuels do not require oxidizers." This will significantly lower fuel-related hurdles.

★Lack of information necessary to fly
player don't know the "module, fuel type, and amount of fuel" required to fly a rocket to the target star because it is not presented. This is not presented on SO either. It takes time and effort to figure it out on player own, and player motivation decreases. If the player clicks on the star they want to go to on the star map and a list of things they need is displayed, the burden on the player will be greatly reduced.

For the above reasons, at ONI I had the impression that I was rejected by space and rockets, and a psychological barrier was created against them. In the end, I think it's a matter of balancing the game between "fun" and "difficulty." Regarding ONI's space and rockets, the "difficulty'' is overwhelmingly strong, and the balance is very poor.

I think it's quite possible that there are ONI players who feel the same way as me and are refraining from purchasing SO. I hope that the difficulty of space and rockets will be reduced even a little, and that more players will be able to enjoy space content on ONI and SO.


To non-developers

I welcome any constructive ideas that follow the "topic theme = Suggestion about "Space Race"=4.9%".

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I hope that you will take actions to avoid making each other feel bad.

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