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Map Possibility Suggestions: New Moonlets, Randomized Outer Planetoids

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I've absolutely loved a lot of the new content form the QOL updates (the new recipes, Plastium, the new meteor showers, and the Meteor Blaster all have really noticeably improved my gameplay experience) and figured I'd throw out a few suggestions which I think might be hard to implement but could be great.

1. Drillcone Automation: Currently, there's no way to automatically tell a rocket to return home after the drillcone is done drilling. It would be great to be able to do this. Maybe an automation port on the Rocket Control Station for "go back to base" or something like that? This already exists, my bad for not knowing about it.

2. New Moonlets: I like the moonlet cluster in concept, but all five moonlets are always the same even if you start on different ones, so it feels kind of repetitive to re-play to me. A second, totally different moonlet cluster? Seems like a lot of effort but I think it would be really fun to add! Some suggestions:

- Make a new oil biome where the oil biome doesn't also have lead and fossil. That way, the planetoid that has oil doesn't have refined metal or steel, making things a bit more interesting (right now the Desolands asteroid has lots of key resources - could be cool if it didn't!).

- Put the wasteland biome on one of the easier starting planetoids, because the wasteland biome is fun

3. New Outer Planetoids: On my first playthrough of Spaced Out, I absolutely LOVED exploring the outer planetoids and discovering what they had to offer. Finding huge amounts of Lime on the Ocean planetoid? Seeing the Moo planetoid for the first time? Really enchanting. I would love to re-create a little bit of that energy by having the outer planetoids be slightly randomized or randomizable. Maybe Niobium is on the Ocean planet instead of the Superconducting one! Maybe Experiment 52B is on the Moo Planetoid, but the Gas Grass is on the Regolith planetoid! Maybe a different bonus resource -- reed fiber? plastic? uranium? -- can be found on some of them! I think this would take probably a ton of development time, and I'm not sure it's worth it, but wanted to throw the suggestion out there! Even something like 3 different planetoid sets that get shuffled would force me to explore more, because I wouldn't be able to guarantee the right resources on the right planetoids.

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I'm so sorry to hear that you had been playing under the assumption that drillcones could not be automated! you were playing without pretty much my entire endgame :bee:

I definitely like your suggestions though. I want those two things pretty bad. I imagine its probably difficult for them to update DLC in the modern day since it just means some of their playerbase won't get to have it.. or something like that.

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