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Currently, late-game bases often struggle with frame rate and CPU lag issues, with critter AI being a big contributor.

My suggestion is to add morphs for most critters that represent "bulked-up" versions of the regular critter, able to do the job of 8 of their kin, while requiring 8x the resources.

So these "Mega" critters wouldn't be overpowered upgrades to the base morphs, but rather would be designed to allow smaller ranches that consume less CPU time while still producing goods.

They could even have cute new skins, like a "Killer Pacu" that looks like an orca and drop 8x the meat, or a "Swole Pip", that has muscles on muscles, eats 8x the tree/reed and poops 8x the dirt.

These morphs could have challenging requirements to produce, like keeping them exposed to radiation.

It just seems like they'd be fun, while also giving a technical benefit.

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