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Woodie weregoose perk idea "Goose Nest"

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I wanted to share what I thought was a brilliant idea for our pal Woodie. Along with granting the ability to fly to random tiles, Weregoose Mastery could also grant Woodie the ability to construct a Goose Nest.

Goose Nest construction cost: 6 grass, 2 twigs

Woodie can then "load" 3 eggs into the nest. When the nest has 3 eggs loaded into it, the next time Woodie uses the weregoose flying ability he will be brought back to the nest, consuming the eggs. Woodie could also be able to load different kinds of eggs in the nest.

Tallbird Eggs: Functions similarly to regular eggs but each Tallbird Egg has 3 charges before being consumed. Eggs cannot be retrieved once loaded into nest to avoid exploiting.

Rotten Eggs: When 3 Rotten Eggs are loaded into the nest, the next time Woodie uses the weregoose flying ability he will fly up and then fly straight back down in the same spot exploding on impact and dealing 5000 damage killing Woodie in the process. The rotten eggs are also consumed of course.


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