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Please add a trash can item slot.

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I'd love having one above/to the side of the inventory bar, or at the bare minimum - an item with the intention of being a trash can, something you can throw items in and once you reopen it then they're gone.

Now I know many people would comment things like "Lureplants", but why? It's such a bare minimum and basic feature and I see zero reason why shouldn't it be a thing. This game doesn't remove anything unless you simply destroy/use it up yourself. It makes so much clutter and lag gather over time, and while lureplants are a creative solution, kudos to you people, you have to turf a whole area for them to work properly, thread carefully so they wont chew on you instead of the item (Unless you're Wormwood) *and* they don't work during Winter.

Please Klei, it's such a basic yet necessary QoL... During Multiplayer servers especially, we get so many low durability items thrown around like armor, weapons and tools. Not everything is flammable, and burning stuff can be inconvenient sometimes as well.

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