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Longer Pipe Bridges

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I stumbled upon topic with the same name

and I wonder why that topic is archived with the only undeniable answer for it:


They aren't needed at all. It's fine for a mod, but not something that belongs in vanilla


I also think that longer pipe bridges are needed.

My case is: I have 4 lanes of pipes that placed nearby. It is impossible to cross those 4 lanes with 2 perpindicular lanes without having your brain melted.

Longer bridges would surely have help. Also keep in mind that all mods related to this are out-of-date.

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7 hours ago, _INFLAMES_ said:

My case is: I have 4 lanes of pipes that placed nearby. It is impossible to cross those 4 lanes with 2 perpindicular lanes without having your brain melted.

Can you throw a screenshot please? I like my brain melting.

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1. This is the moment I realized that placing 4 lanes with no spaces between them would not work at all:



2. Later I tried to place 1 tile between the lanes, but it looked so awful that I abandoned ONI completely:


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@_INFLAMES_ Reminds me of when I was spaghetti-piping the map myself.

I'm afraid most of the pipes are unnecessary. You don't need to provide and filter the air in every room with pipes. I see you've sealed everything off completely except for the barracks. You can use more airflow tiles to let heavy gasses go through floor to the bottom of the map, hydrogen to the top through the roof and oxygen to the sides through walls. Then you can just collect unwanted gasses with 2 pumps - one above your base and one below. You can also put atmo suit docks at the exit of the living area and not care about oxygen in the other rooms outside at all. 

Hope that helps.

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Reminds me of when I was spaghetti-piping the map myself.

I'm afraid most of the pipes are unnecessary.

Yep, that's what I am now, but I guess this stage should be passed by each new player.

My point is - I'd like to come to this conslusion by myself, and not because it is impossible to implement, but because I would find it ineffective at some point in time.

I'm not quite sure if it is ok to mention other games here, but - in Factorio there are huge possibilities to make your base spaghetti-like and as I remember, it was very satisfying for me to clean and rebuild ineffective parts.

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@_INFLAMES_ The thing with longer bridges in ONI is that they would be abused to teleport materials and if that was to be avoided then the content of the bridge would have to be calculated as a whole new layer for each of ventilation, plumbing and conveyor rails. It would significantly decrease performance and the game is struggling with fps already. 

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