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What I Think About The Striker Weapon

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There's a lot I have to say about this weapon, based on my experience with the striker, it is a pretty well-balanced weapon, as its effectiveness relies heavily on the skill and knowledge of the player wielding it. While it possesses considerable power, it demands the experience and understanding to fully utilize the striker and its mechanics. It's like the cannon but better, as the striker actually requires precise timing, accurate aim, and strategic decision-making to do well against the player's enemies rather than spam with no risk at all. Best of all, what I love about this weapon is that it rewards players who invest the time to master its mechanics, creating a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when successfully using its abilities. Because of this, it ensures that players can't solely rely on the weapon's raw strength. But, it must also utilize its abilities to their fullest. Quite he best weapon I've played with since the only downside is being able to master it, which later on pays off. I neither issues with the striker (except the occasional balls getting outside of the level which i hate), as like I said before it's a pretty balanced weapon, if anything maybe lower the base damage a bit since players might feel it might be op. Anyways that's all for what I have for the striker!

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