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Accessibility that would be greatly appreciated - Keyboard and Mouse

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Obviously this game was created to be played on a computer with a mouse and keyboard. This is what it was first out on, and mechanics such as sorting inventory, managing multiple item storage locations at once such as an icebox, crock pot, and the player inventory, and combat where having only one button to attack with leads to frustrating misguided attacks. Because of this the greatest quality of life and accessibility improvement that could be made in the console version of the game would be to enable the use of a mouse and keyboard instead of a controller. This has been done for other games, such as mainstream shooters and as far as I know there are no bureaucratic hoops to jump through. All it would take would be to port the input functionalities from the PC version. I love this game, I want to play it the way it was meant to be played. Thanks for reading. 

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