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New Creature: Mosquitoes.
Cannot be interacted with, does not occupy a cell.
Cannot fly through solid tiles and liquid tiles.
Looks like a cloud of mosquitoes.
Each cloud of mosquitoes is independent of each other.
Moves in flight.
This creature does not lay eggs in the usual sense, it infects the toilet, compost, dirt cells, polluted dirt cells, fertilizer cells.
Stacks of Dirt, Contaminated Dirt, Fertilizer. If you split a stack, the larvae will redefine into the larger stack. If you spend a stack with larvae, the larvae will die.
In the cell of this material will be displayed: infested with mosquito eggs.
After maturation, another cloud of mosquitoes appears.
You can click on a cloud of mosquitoes and see information about it.
Each cloud of mosquitoes must feed on living creatures in order to lay eggs.
Attacks any living beings within range.
Attaches to a living creature until it reaches 100% saturation.

For Duplicants: Itchy. Sometimes left and interrupted to scratch.
-25% speed of any job.

For creatures: +50% to the time of issuing resources.

Disinfection does not kill mosquito larvae.
If mosquitoes are in polluted oxygen, they slowly saturate.

Previously infected tiles are now permanently infected. And new clutches of eggs require less saturation.Such a tile can be fertilized with 75% mosquito saturation.
That is, if the tile has already been infected before, then a new fertilization will require not 100% saturation of the cloud of mosquitoes, but 75%.
Mosquitoes in priority look for already previously fertilized cells.
Mosquito larvae are also single creatures.
That is, they can only be in one place.

For the maturation of the larvae, 35 degrees and above are required. If it is lower, the process will stop.
If the temperature is below 0 or above 60, then the larvae will start to die.
Ore cleaner, destroys larvae.

A new prescription has been added to the pharmacy: repellent.
Gives immunity to mosquitoes for 3 days.

Doctors can now use repellant on animals.

Attracts carbon dioxide.
If the larvae come into contact with carbon dioxide, they mature 100% faster.

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