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Please help us console users klei

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Countless times I get hit by just loading into my world by things attacking me, maybe because I don't yet have the new gen console or because im on day 2000+ but spawn protection would be very very beneficial for people on old gen and long worlds and dont have the mobs not attack you and deagro but make it where you can't attack and they can't hurt you. My world sometimes takes so long to load its a quarter of the day cycle and if you do this please make it the same with going into and coming out of caves as well maybe even make it an option if you want the extra protection.

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I've been playing since the Wii U version, and it's taken until this issue to get me to finally place a Houndius Shootius instead of just hoarding them. Lousy name by the way, shoulda called em Automagic Puppy Kickers IMO! Anyway, before an update that supposedly improved loading some months ago, I never had any trouble getting away from the bunnymen from the hutches I places near the sinkholes. After though, were I to have anything on me they didn't like, surfacing would invariably see me load in as a ghost. I wouldn't even see myself die, let alone have any chance to do anything about it. Total BS. I've since replaced the two hutches with a single HS.

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You can also wall the bunny hutches off with wood walls close to the sinkhole but not to close and there you go I actually did two bunny men hutches near every sink hole and just walled the off and made a door to collect items in the day if necessary but HS are very expensive I have to kill fuel Weaver at least 4 more times to have my HS at the two important sink holes but yes both work 

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