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It's inconvenient to have some entities vulnerable to auto-attack (eg: lureplants, slurtle mounds)

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As the title suggests. Lureplants, slurtle mounds and anything like such have the "hostile" tag, meaning they can be auto-attacked without doing a forced attack (ctrl+F by default), while such entities never pose any direct aggression on players. It's even more ironic just to think slurtles themselves are not considered hostile, while their dens are. Since auto-attacking on such resources can cause inconvenience (removing non-renewable mounds permanently by accident, breaking a lureplant farm, etc.), I believe it makes more sense to remove the tag from such entities.

P.S.: I also suggest adding the "companion" tag to walls, making them protected from a ctrl+F attack and only vulnerable to a ctrl+left mouseclick attack. Since other entities helpful for players' survival (chester, beefalo with a saddle, houndius shootius, winona's catapult, etc.) are tagged as a companion, it makes sense to tag walls as such in order to further protecting them from being targeted by accident.

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