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Do you intend to put a Lag option in the world settings? That when triggered it changes all other settings and more, such as the same items join and disappear after a few days, mobs and entities are paused outside a certain distance among others. For example I would like to remove the trees that are throwing branches on the ground and the most I can do is decrease the rate of respawn and their growth.

After a few days played, it becomes impossible for a person with a computer with minimal settings, to play with someone (Girlfriend).

In the "settings" tab when configuring the world, there could be an option to decrease the weight of the world or make it even bigger by changing the amount of mobs, entities, world size... etc.

Decreasing to the maximum, I could add these settings that I mentioned, of joining the same items, deleting items dropped after days, even changing the amount of pixel (but this seems to be too much). Please, think about this idea with care, since you have a basic machine that runs the game that is getting suffocated every year... playing with someone is getting heavy and crashing.

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