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Suggestion: Abandon "twin errands"

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By this I mean errands such as "construction dig" or "cooking supply". I like having Dupes who are skilled and trained to do exactly one job (once I have the manpower to afford to get that specific with work allocations). My cooks cook, my janitors mop and sweep, my builders build, my diggers dig. It may not make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things, but it feels like a waste of time and efficiency to have my cook constantly leaving the stove top to go and collect food/water ingredients when I have a Dupe explicitly trained for all that fetching and carrying malarkey. Same goes when a builder has to dig out a tile of sandstone to build a wall, when the designated digger can clear that tile in less than half the time. What should happen is splitting the job into individual errands (such as a cook errand and a supply errand, or a dig errand and a build errand), so that the Dupes most skilled at the specific task do it and don't waste parts of their work day doing jobs I haveĀ other Dupes for.

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