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Rarity of the setpieces

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Hey everyone!


I want to know if I am the only one or is it all the same for everyone!


Im playing ps4 Dst ( so no mod possible)


First thing is : since the QOA (setting options for world generation) update, when I put tallbird on more and bunch of stuff on more....I only have like 1 or 2 and sometime no tallbirds whatsoever. Am I the only one?

Second thing: can you tell me what is the percentage of chances to have the reeds trap/ tallbird fortress/hound fortress set pieces in a worlds?

In my 200+ worlds generate I only had like 2-5 times a tallbirds fortress and only 2 times the reed traps. Imagine, 2 times on a total of more than 200 worlds!

Klei have thought about putting the set pieces as options in the setting menu. I mean, the game would be so much more fun if these kind of setpieces was not that rare.

What are your thought guys? 

Am I the only one with that kind of issues and frustration ?

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I too have just 1 tallbird in my world, i hope they implement a way to spawn more of them.

As the setpiece they can be affected by your world setting, if you set more on fallen survivor the chance of getting the setpiece will lower. My actually world has both developer cemetery and hound fortress. In another world i got the pig alone on the rock and pigtorch.

Also yes i hope in the future that can we choose at least 2 setpiece to implement in world generation..

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