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Balancing wx's rework

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As much as i love new wx rework the number of sockets each circuit requires seems pretty unbalanced, some circuits seem clearly superior just cause of the number required to have them, i don't see the reason for the Chorusbox circuit to cost 3 slots (just let it be 2), as well as tje acceleration circuit 2.0 having cost only of 2? It's to powerful for stacking it and if it costed 3 it would be more balanced, as well i don't see the reason for ever swapping optoelectronic circuit for illumination one (make it lower cost for Gods sake), the thermal circuit has no reason to have downside and all superprocessing,dronemaster,gastroexpansion circuits shouldve get a buff, heck, i don't see reason for some of those to take 2 slots and gastroexpansion should stack reduced hunger rate, over all great rework but it requires a lot of balancing cause some circuits i would never pick up if not curiosity.

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I'm pretty sure the speed 2.0 costing 2 slots is merely so you can reach 50% speed again as if struck by lightning. And it's mostly an opportunity cost issue. As soon as you want any circuit of 3+ slots, you loose two speed circuits, cutting the speed bonus in half. 

As I've suggested on the WX update announcement, let eating gears (only 2 gears or so) give you slots up to a higher limit (At least 9), but increase the circuit cost of circuits that cost 1-2 slots to 2-3 (Except maybe gastro and superprocessing), and decrease ones that cost 4 slots to 3. 

With 9 slots but speed costing 3, you can still only have 3 speed circuits. But now you can combo them with moggle circuit, thermal circuit, music box, drone, etc, without having to give up 2 speed circuits. 40% speed and a QoL circuit isn't that much worse than 50% speed. 

There's currently very little reason not to use WX for triple speed circuit if you're an experienced player. Why should something that's universally considered one of the best stats in the game, cost less than what's in the end, just convenience. Speed is a limited resource. Heat, healing, sanity, etc... are very easy to farm.

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