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Seasonal Approach to Asteroids

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If you have trouble picking an asteroid, here's a seasonal approach to thinking about asteroids. But, instead of following the weather, it goes in the opposite direction (as in think cold in summer, and think warm in winter). I'm including the 100k map which is a mod also. 100k stands for 100 kelvin.

Early Spring or Late Fall: Oceania (it doesn't have as many ice biomes as Terra, it's a warmer map overall)

Mid Spring or Mid Fall: Terra

Late Spring or Early Fall: Arboria (has both rust and ice biomes) and the Badlands (not as sure on this one... Arboria is cooler overall I think, the barren biome is warm, but the Badlands has ice and rust biomes).

Early Summer: Rime

Late Summer: 100k map.

Early Winter: Verdante

Mid Winter: Volcanea and Oasisse

Late Winter: Aridio

This idea doesn't work as well with the DLC, since with the moonlets, all 5 moonlets are accessible eventually.

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