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Cool character idea perhaps

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So I was thinking, wouldn’t it be cool if a cathulu ( probs the wrong spelling) was introduced to the game? I know I know how would it be implemented to the story? Well I have no idea. But I think it would be a really fun and different character to play. He would be able to befriend the nightmare creatures just like some others befriend pigs and merms, this character would benefit from being insane all the time cus he would get a health buff going from 150 to 230 as long as he was in that state, his sanity would only be 50 so it would be easier to go sane again but also easier to be insane, his hunger would also go up from 150 to 190, and lastly his damage would also go up about 20%. His downsides would be that he could only eat monster meat and fish with these foods giving him 10% more nutritional value than normal, also he could be able to eat nightmare fuel just like wortox can consume souls although others uses for it could be added on like being able to craft a stronger nightmare version of the spear right of the bat this would be slightly weaker than the hambat. Some passive bonuses could be that he doesn’t get affected by being wet, or that he could swim short distances without the need to craft a boat this could also transfer to wurt in the future.

well this is all that I could think of for a cathulu type character, I just think the theme of insanity with a character like this would be great for the game if you also like this idea don’t hesitate to give some feedback on how this character could play and maybe one day Keli will give us a surprise 

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