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Need help scripting

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I have trouble. 
My mod:
My mod changes the nubmer of slots for backpack and boxes.
A bug appeared, when I change the slots of the backpack, then regardless of other backpacks, icepack changes the slots too. I create checker in console, my code change only backpack prefab, but slots icepack change too.
Even if I assign my number of slots to it, it still changes the slots to the number of backpack slots.

Other backpacks are not affected by this bug.

My code:



name = "Customize Everything(TEST)"
description = "Customize storage and items"
author = "DiRten"
forumthread = ""
version = "2.92"
api_version = 10
priority = 0.00001
dont_starve_compatible = false
reign_of_giants_compatible = false
dst_compatible = true
all_clients_require_mod = true
server_only_mod = true
server_filter_tags = {"configurablestorage"}
icon_atlas = "preview.xml"
icon = "preview.tex"
russian = ("").utf8len and (russian or language == "ru")
local pack_options = 
	{description = "6",  data = 6},
	{description = "8",  data = 8},
	{description = "10", data = 10},
	{description = "12", data = 12},
	{description = "14", data = 14},
	{description = "16", data = 16},
	{description = "18", data = 18},
local storage_options =
	{description = "9",  data = 9},
	{description = "12", data = 12},
	{description = "16", data = 16},
	{description = "20", data = 20},
	{description = "24", data = 24},
local perish_options =
	{description = "0",    data = 0},
	{description = "0.1",  data = 0.1},
	{description = "0.2",  data = 0.2},
    {description = "0.25", data = 0.25},
	{description = "0.3",  data = 0.3},
    {description = "0.4",  data = 0.4},
	{description = "0.5",  data = 0.5},
	{description = "0.6",  data = 0.6},
	{description = "0.7",  data = 0.7},
	{description = "0.75", data = 0.75},
	{description = "0.8",  data = 0.8},
	{description = "0.9",  data = 0.9},
	{description = "1",    data = 1},
	{description = "1.1",  data = 1.1},
	{description = "1.2",  data = 1.2},
	{description = "1.25", data = 1.25},
	{description = "1.3",  data = 1.3},
	{description = "1.4",  data = 1.4},
	{description = "1.5",  data = 1.5},
	{description = "1.6",  data = 1.6},
	{description = "1.7",  data = 1.7},
	{description = "1.75", data = 1.75},
	{description = "1.8",  data = 1.8},
	{description = "1.9",  data = 1.9},
	{description = "2",    data = 2},
local bool_options = 
	{description = "false", data = false},
	{description = "true", data = true},
local uses_options =
	{description = "1", data = 1},
	{description = "2", data = 2},
	{description = "3", data = 3},
	{description = "4", data = 4},
	{description = "5", data = 5}, 
	{description = "6", data = 6},
	{description = "7", data = 7},
	{description = "8", data = 8},
	{description = "9", data = 9},
	{description = "10", data = 10},
	{description = "20", data = 20},
	{description = "30", data = 30},
	{description = "40", data = 40},
	{description = "50", data = 50},
	{description = "60", data = 60},
	{description = "70", data = 70},
	{description = "80", data = 80},					
	{description = "90", data = 90},
	{description = "100", data = 100},
	{description = "max(1M)", data = 1000000},	
local speed_options =
	{description = "0%", data = 1},
	{description = "5%", data = 1.05},
	{description = "10%", data = 1.1},
	{description = "15%", data = 1.15},
	{description = "20%", data = 1.2},
	{description = "25%", data = 1.25},
	{description = "30%", data = 1.3},
	{description = "35%", data = 1.35},
	{description = "40%", data = 1.4}, 
	{description = "45%", data = 1.45},
	{description = "50%", data = 1.5},
	{description = "55%", data = 1.55},
	{description = "60%", data = 1.6},
	{description = "65%", data = 1.65},
	{description = "70%", data = 1.7},
	{description = "75%", data = 1.75},
	{description = "80%", data = 1.8},
	{description = "85%", data = 1.85},
	{description = "90%", data = 1.9},
	{description = "95%", data = 1.95},
	{description = "100%", data = 2},
local empty_options = {{description = "", data = 0 }}
local function Title(title,hover)
	return {
		name = "",
		label = title,
		options = empty_options,
		default = 0,
SPACE = Title("")

configuration_options =
Title("Packs slots:", "Change packs slots and perish mult:"), -------PACKS
		name = "BackpackSlotMax",
		label = russian and "Рюкзак" or "Backpack",
		options = pack_options,
		default = 8,
		name = "PiggybackSlotMax",
		label = russian and "Свиной мешок" or "Piggyback",
		options = pack_options,
		default = 12,
		name = "KrampussackSlotMax",
		label = russian and "Мешок Крампуса" or "Krampus Sack",
		options = pack_options,
		default = 14,
		name = "IcepackSlotMax",
		label = russian and "Терморюкзак" or "Insulation Pack",
		options = pack_options,
		default = 8,
		name = "SpicepackSlotMax",
		label = russian and "Сумка шеф-повара" or "Chef Pouch",
		options = pack_options,
		default = 6,
		name = "SeedpouchSlotMax",
		label = russian and "Рюкзак для семян" or "Seed Pack-It",
		options = pack_options,
		default = 14,
Title("Packs perish:", "Change perish packs"), ----------------------PACKS PERISH
		name = "BackpackPerish",
		label = russian and "Рюкзак" or "Backpack",
		options = perish_options,
		default = 1,
		name = "PiggybackPerish",
		label = russian and "Свиной Мешок" or "Piggyback",
		options = perish_options,
		default = 1,
		name = "KrampussackPerish",
		label = russian and "Мешок Крампуса" or "Krampus Sack",
		options = perish_options,
		default = 1,
		name = "SpicepackPerish",
		label = russian and "Сумка шеф-повара" or "Chef Pouch",
		options = perish_options,
		default = 0.75,
		name = "SeedpouchPerish",
		label = russian and "Сумка семян" or "Seed Pack-It",
		options = perish_options,
		default = 1,
Title("Packs put in inventory:", "Take packs in inventory."), -----------------------PACKS CANGO
		name = "BackpackCango",
		label = russian and "Рюкзак" or "Backpack",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
		name = "PiggybackCango",
		label = russian and "Свиной Мешок" or "Piggyback",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
		name = "KrampussackCango",
		label = russian and "Мешок Крампуса" or "Krampus Sack",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
		name = "IcepackCango",
		label = russian and "Терморюкзак" or "Icepack",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
		name = "SpicepackCango",
		label = russian and "Сумка шеф-повара" or "Chef Pouch",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
		name = "SeedpouchCango",
		label = russian and "Сумка семян" or "Seed Pack-It",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
		name = "CandybagCango",
		label = russian and "Мешочек сладостей" or "Candy Bag",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
Title("Storage slots:", "Change storage slots."),	------------------------STORAGE
		name = "ChestSlotMax",
		label = russian and "Сундук" or "Chest",
		options = storage_options,
		default = 9,
		name = "IceboxSlotMax",
		label = russian and "Холодильник" or "Icebox",
		options = storage_options,
		default = 9,
		name = "SaltboxSlotMax",
		label = russian and "Cоляной ящик" or "Saltbox",
		options = storage_options,
		default = 9,
		name = "DragonflychestSlotMax",
		label = russian and "Чешуйчатый сундук" or "Dragonfly Chest",
		options = storage_options,
		default = 12,
		name = "BundleSlotMax",
		label = russian and "Упаковочная обёртка" or "Bundling Wrap",
		options =	{
						{description = "4(default)", data = 4},
						{description = "9", data = 9},
						{description = "12", data = 12},
						{description = "16", data = 16},
						{description = "20", data = 20},
						{description = "24", data = 24},
		default = 4,
Title("Storage perish:", "Change perish in storage."), -------------------STORAGE PERISH
		name = "ChestPerish",
		label = russian and "Сундук" or "Chest",
		options = perish_options,
		default = 1,
		name = "IceboxPerish",
		label = russian and "Холодильник и Терморюкзак" or "Icebox and Icepack",
		options = perish_options,
		default = 0.5,
		name = "SaltboxPerish",
		label = russian and "Соляной ящик" or "Saltbox",
		options = perish_options,
		default = 0.25,
		name = "DragonflyPerish",
		label = russian and "Чешуйчатый сундук" or "Dragonfly Chest",
		options = perish_options,
		default = 1,
Title("Custom options:"), --------------------------------------------------------CUSTOM OPTIONS
		name = "SisturnPerish",
		label = russian and "Множитель гниения(Урна Сестры)" or "Perish multiplier(Sisturn)",
		options = perish_options,
		default = 1,
	--Temp stone infinity
		name = "HeatrockTemperatureInfinityChange",
		label = russian and "Термальный камень бесконечный?" or "Thermal Stone Infinity?",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
Title("Count uses items:", "Change uses count."), ----------------------------------------------------COUNT USES ITEMS
--Count uses items
		name = "TentUsesCount",
		label = russian and "Палатка" or "Tent",
		options = uses_options,
		default = 6,
		name = "SiestaUsesCount",
		label = russian and "Сиеста" or "Siesta",
		options = uses_options,
		default = 6,
	--Portable tent
		name = "PortableTentUsesCount",
		label = russian and "Портативной Палатка" or "Portable Tent",
		options = uses_options,
		default = 10,
		name = "TrapUsesCount",
		label = russian and "Ловушка" or "Trap",
		options = uses_options,
		default = 8,
	--Trap teeth
		name = "TrapTeethUsesCount",
		label = russian and "Клыкастая Ловушка" or "Tooth Trap",
		options = uses_options,
		default = 10,
	--Trap bramble
		name = "TrapBrambleUsesCount",
		label = russian and "Еживичная ловушка" or "Trap Bramble",
		options = uses_options,
		default = 10,
		name = "FishingrodUsesCount",
		label = russian and "Удочка" or "Fishingrod",
		options = uses_options,
		default = 9,
		name = "BugnetUsesCount",
		label = russian and "Сачок" or "Bugnet",
		options = uses_options,
		default = 10,
		name = "UmbrellaUsesCount",
		label = russian and "Зонтик" or "Umbrella",
		options = uses_options,
		default = 20,
Title("Items add movespeed:", "Adding movespeed."), --------------------------------------------ITEMS MOVESPEED
--Speed Mult
		name = "CaneSpeedMult",
		label = russian and "Скорость Трости+" or "Walking cane",
		options = speed_options,
		default = 1.25,
		name = "GoggleshatMult",
		label = russian and "Модные очки скорость+" or "Fashion goggles",
		options = speed_options,
		default = 1,
		name = "FlowerhatMult",
		label = russian and "Венок скорость+" or "Garland",
		options = speed_options,
		default = 1,
		name = "RaincoatMult",
		label = russian and "Дождевик скорость+" or "Raincoat",
		options = speed_options,
		default = 1,
		name = "YellowamuletMult",
		label = russian and "Магосвет скорость+" or "Magiluminescence",
		options = speed_options,
		default = 1,
	--Lazy Explorer
		name = "OrangestaffMult",
		label = russian and "Ленивый исследователь скорость+" or "Lazy Explorer",
		options = speed_options,
		default = 1,
Title("Floor  add road speed:", "Adding movespeed on floor."), -----------------------------------FLOORS
	--Wood Floor
		name = "WoodFloorChange",
		label = russian and "Деревянный пол скорость дороги" or "Wood Floor",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
	--Carpet Floor
		name = "CarpetFloorChange",
		label = russian and "Ковер скорость дороги" or "Carpet Floor",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
	--Checker Floor
		name = "CheckerFloorChange",
		label = russian and "Мраморный пол скорость дороги" or "Checker Floor",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
Title("Add craftable items:", "Adding new recipe."),
		name = "MandrakeCraftable",
		label = russian and "Мандрагора" or "Mandrake",
		hover = "1 Carrot, 2 Telltale Heart, 10 Nightmare Fuel -Magic(Magic three)",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
		name = "KrampusSackCraftable",
		label = russian and "Мешок Крампуса" or "Krampus Sack",
		hover = "5 Silk, 5 Pigskin, 5 Nightmarefuel  -Magic(Magic three)",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
		name = "DugBerryBushCraftable",
		label = russian and "Ягодный куст" or "Berry Bush",
		hover = "10 Juice Berry Bush, 10 Sanity(x10) -Farm(Science two)",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
		name = "DugBerryBushJuicyCraftable",
		label = russian and "Куст сочных ягод" or "Juicy Berry Bush",
		hover = "10 Berry Bush, 10 Sanity(x10) -Farm(Science two)",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
		name = "DugSaplingCraftable",
		label = russian and "Саженец" or "Dug Sapling",
		hover = "10 Twiggy Nut, 10 Sanity(x10) -Farm(Science two)",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,
		name = "TwiggyNutCraftable",
		label = russian and "Орех ветвистого дерева" or "Twiggy Nut",
		hover = "10 Sapling, 10 Sanity(x10) -Farm(Science two)",
		options = bool_options,
		default = false,




--Make Global
local require = GLOBAL.require
local Vector3 = GLOBAL.Vector3
local net_entity = GLOBAL.net_entity
local containers = require("containers")
Assets = 
	Asset("ATLAS", "images/container.xml"),
	Asset("ATLAS", "images/container_x20.xml"),
	Asset("ATLAS", "images/krampus_sack_bg.xml"),
mods =_G.rawget(_G,"mods")or(function()local m={}_G.rawset(_G,"mods",m)return m end)()
rus = mods.RussianLanguagePack or mods.UniversalTranslator
RegisterRussianName = rus and (rus.SelectedLanguage=="ru") and (rus.RegisterRussianName or rus.RegisterNameTranslation)
--Lists change
local CustomListContainer =
	--{"TYPE", SLOTMAX, "ANIMBANK", "ANIMBUILD", {X, Y, Z}, {Y1, Y2, Y3, X1, X2},                                  {X,  X*,   X+, Y, Y*, Y+}, {X, X_MODIF_, X_PLUS, Y, Y_MODIF, Y_PLUS, 0}, BG_ATLAS_IMAGE, BG_IMAGE, {BG_IMAGE_TINT_1, BG_IMAGE_TINT_2 ,BG_IMAGE_TINT_3 ,BG_IMAGE_TINT_4}},
	{"pack", 	6,  "ui_icepack_2x3", 	    "ui_icepack_2x3", 	      { -5,   -70,   0},  { 0,    2,   1, 0, 0}, {-162,  1,    0, 1, -75,  75 }, {-162, 1, 75, 1, -75,  75, 0}},
	{"pack", 	8,  "ui_backpack_2x4", 		 "ui_backpack_2x4", 	  { -5,   -70,   0},  { 0,    3,   1, 0, 0}, {-162,  1,    0, 1, -75, 114 }, {-162, 1, 75, 1, -75, 114, 0}},
	{"pack", 	10, "ui_krampusbag_2x5", 	 "ui_krampusbag_2x5", 	  { -5,   -70,   0},  { 0,    4,   1, 0, 0}, {-162,  1,    0, 1, -75, 115 }, {-162, 1, 75, 1, -75, 115, 0}},
	{"pack", 	12, "ui_piggyback_2x6", 	 "ui_piggyback_2x6", 	  { -5,   -70,   0},  { 0,    5,   1, 0, 0}, {-162,  1,    0, 1, -75, 170 }, {-162, 1, 75, 1, -75, 170, 0}},
	{"pack", 	14, "ui_krampusbag_2x8", 	 "ui_krampusbag_2x8", 	  { -5,  -120,   0},  { 0,    6,   1, 0, 0}, {-162,  1,    0, 1, -75, 240 }, {-162, 1, 75, 1, -75, 240, 0}},
	{"pack", 	16, "ui_krampusbag_2x8", 	 "ui_krampusbag_2x8", 	  { -5,   -50,   0},  { 0,    7,   1, 0, 0}, {-162,  1,    0, 1, -65, 245 }, {-162, 1, 75, 1, -65, 245, 0}},
	{"pack", 	18, nil, 					 nil, 					  {-76,   -70,   0},  { 0,    8,   1, 0, 0}, { -37,  1,    0, 1, -75, 300 }, { -37, 1, 75, 1, -75, 300, 0}, "images/krampus_sack_bg.xml", "krampus_sack_bg.tex"},
	{"storage", 9,  "ui_chest_3x3", 		 "ui_chest_3x3", 		  {  0,  -141,   0},  { 2,    0,  -1, 0, 2}, {   1, 80,  -80, 1,  80,  -80}},
	{"storage", 12, "ui_chester_shadow_3x4", "ui_chester_shadow_3x4", {  0,  -177,   0},  {2.5, -0.5, -1, 0, 2}, {   1, 75,  -75, 1,  75,  -75}},
	{"storage", 16, nil, 					 nil, 					  {  0,  -185,   0},  { 3,    0,  -1, 0, 3}, {   1, 80, -120, 1,  80, -120}, nil, "images/container.xml", "container.tex"},
	{"storage", 20, nil, 					 nil,   				  {  5,  -184,   0},  { 3,    0,  -1, 0, 4}, {   1, 75, -150, 1,  75, -110}, nil, "images/container_x20.xml", "container_x20.tex"},
	{"storage", 24, nil, 					 nil, 			          {  5 , -184,   0},  { 3,    0,  -1, 0, 5}, {   1, 65,  -163, 1,  80, -122},  nil, "images/container_x20.xml", "container_x20.tex"}
local ChangeListStorage =
	{"backpack", 		 "pack", 	 8, GetModConfigData("BackpackSlotMax")},
	{"piggyback", 		 "pack", 	12, GetModConfigData("PiggybackSlotMax")},
	{"krampus_sack", 	 "pack", 	14, GetModConfigData("KrampussackSlotMax")},
	{"icepack", 		 "pack", 	 8, GetModConfigData("IcepackSlotMax")},
	{"spicepack", 		 "pack", 	 6, GetModConfigData("SpicepackSlotMax")},
	{"seedpouch", 		 "pack", 	14, GetModConfigData("SeedpouchSlotMax")},
	{"treasurechest", 	 "storage",  9, GetModConfigData("ChestSlotMax")},
	{"icebox", 			 "storage",  9, GetModConfigData("IceboxSlotMax")},
	{"saltbox", 		 "storage",  9, GetModConfigData("SaltboxSlotMax")},
	{"dragonflychest", 	 "storage", 12, GetModConfigData("DragonflychestSlotMax")},
	{"bundle_container", "storage",  4, GetModConfigData("BundleSlotMax"), "Bundle"}
local ChangeListItems =
	{"backpack",	 	 		   "cango",  	GetModConfigData("BackpackCango")},
	{"piggyback",	 			   "cango",  	GetModConfigData("PiggybackCango")},
	{"krampus_sack", 	 		   "cango", 	GetModConfigData("KrampussackCango")},
	{"icepack",	 	 		  	   "cango", 	GetModConfigData("IcepackCango")},
	{"spicepack",	 	 	 	   "cango", 	GetModConfigData("SpicepackCango")},
	{"seedpouch",	 	 		   "cango",     GetModConfigData("SeedpouchCango")},
	{"candybag",	 	 		   "cango",  	GetModConfigData("CandybagCango")},
	{"backpack",	 	 		   "preserver", GetModConfigData("BackpackPerish")},
	{"piggyback",	 	 		   "preserver", GetModConfigData("PiggybackPerish")},
	{"krampus_sack", 	 		   "preserver", GetModConfigData("KrampussackPerish")},
	{"seedpouch",	 	 		   "preserver", GetModConfigData("SeedpouchPerish")},
	{"treasurechest", 	 		   "preserver", GetModConfigData("ChestPerish")},
	{"dragonflychest", 	 		   "preserver", GetModConfigData("DragonflyPerish")},
	{"sisturn", 	 	 		   "preserver", GetModConfigData("SisturnPerish")},
	{"heatrock", 	 	 		   "nofuel", 	GetModConfigData("HeatrockTemperatureInfinityChange")},
    {"flowerhat", 	 			   "speed", 	GetModConfigData("FlowerhatMult")},
	{"goggleshat", 	 	 	   	   "speed", 	GetModConfigData("GoggleshatMult")},
	{"raincoat",     			   "speed",	    GetModConfigData("RaincoatMult")},
	{"yellowamulet", 	 		   "speed", 	GetModConfigData("YellowamuletMult")},
	{"orangestaff",  	 		   "speed",     GetModConfigData("OrangestaffMult")},
	{"PERISH_FRIDGE_MULT",         "tuning",    GetModConfigData("IceboxPerish")},
	{"PERISH_SALTBOX_MULT",        "tuning",    GetModConfigData("SaltboxPerish")},
	{"PERISH_FOOD_PRESERVER_MULT", "tuning",    GetModConfigData("SpicepackPerish")},
	{"TENT_USES",        		   "tuning",    GetModConfigData("TentUsesCount")},
	{"SIESTA_CANOPY_USES",         "tuning",    GetModConfigData("SiestaUsesCount")},
	{"PORTABLE_TENT_USES",         "tuning",    GetModConfigData("PortableTentUsesCount")},
	{"TRAP_USES",        		   "tuning",    GetModConfigData("TrapUsesCount")},
	{"TRAP_TEETH_USES",        	   "tuning",    GetModConfigData("TrapTeethUsesCount")},
	{"TRAP_BRAMBLE_USES",          "tuning",    GetModConfigData("TrapBrambleUsesCount")},
	{"FISHINGROD_USES",       	   "tuning",    GetModConfigData("FishingrodUsesCount")},
	{"BUGNET_USES",        		   "tuning",    GetModConfigData("BugnetUsesCount")},
	{"UMBRELLA_USES",        	   "tuning",    GetModConfigData("UmbrellaUsesCount")},
	{"CANE_SPEED_MULT",        	   "tuning",    GetModConfigData("CaneSpeedMult")},
	{"WOODFLOOR", 				   "floor", 	GetModConfigData("WoodFloorChange")},
	{"CARPET", 	 		 		   "floor", 	GetModConfigData("CarpetFloorChange")},
	{"CHECKER", 				   "floor", 	GetModConfigData("CheckerFloorChange")},
	{"mandrake", 				   "recipe", 	GetModConfigData("MandrakeCraftable"), 			"MANDRAKE", "A little love will revive anyone.", "Немного любви может оживить любого.", {GLOBAL.Ingredient("carrot", 1), GLOBAL.Ingredient("reviver", 2), GLOBAL.Ingredient("nightmarefuel", 10)}, "MAGIC", "MAGIC_THREE", 1},
	{"krampus_sack", 			   "recipe", 	GetModConfigData("KrampusSackCraftable"), 	    "KRAMPUS_SACK", "Tired of looking? Just do it!", "Устали искать? Просто сделай это!", {GLOBAL.Ingredient("nightmarefuel", 5), GLOBAL.Ingredient("pigskin", 5), GLOBAL.Ingredient("silk", 5)}, "MAGIC", "MAGIC_THREE", 1},
	{"dug_berrybush", 			   "recipe", 	GetModConfigData("DugBerryBushCraftable"),		"DUG_BERRYBUSH", 	   "Reduce your mind for gardening!", "Когда вы устали искать альтернативы.", {GLOBAL.Ingredient("dug_berrybush_juicy", 10), GLOBAL.Ingredient(GLOBAL.CHARACTER_INGREDIENT.SANITY, 10)}, "FARM", "SCIENCE_TWO", 10},
	{"dug_berrybush_juicy", 	   "recipe", 	GetModConfigData("DugBerryBushJuicyCraftable"), "DUG_BERRYBUSH_JUICY", "Reduce your mind for gardening!", "Когда вы устали искать альтернативы.", {GLOBAL.Ingredient("dug_berrybush", 10), GLOBAL.Ingredient(GLOBAL.CHARACTER_INGREDIENT.SANITY, 10)}, "FARM", "SCIENCE_TWO", 10},
	{"dug_sapling", 			   "recipe", 	GetModConfigData("DugSaplingCraftable"),		"DUG_SAPLING", 	       "Reduce your mind for gardening!", "Когда вы устали искать альтернативы.", {GLOBAL.Ingredient("twiggy_nut", 10), GLOBAL.Ingredient(GLOBAL.CHARACTER_INGREDIENT.SANITY, 10)}, "FARM", "SCIENCE_TWO", 10},
	{"twiggy_nut", 			       "recipe", 	GetModConfigData("TwiggyNutCraftable"),		    "TWIGGY_NUT", 	       "Reduce your mind for gardening!", "Когда вы устали искать альтернативы.", {GLOBAL.Ingredient("dug_sapling", 10), GLOBAL.Ingredient(GLOBAL.CHARACTER_INGREDIENT.SANITY, 10)}, "FARM", "SCIENCE_TWO", 10}


--Add slots
containers.MAXITEMSLOTS = math.max(containers.MAXITEMSLOTS, 24)
local function addItemSlotNetvarsInContainer(inst)
	if(#inst._itemspool < containers.MAXITEMSLOTS) then
	   for i = #inst._itemspool+1, containers.MAXITEMSLOTS do
		   table.insert(inst._itemspool, net_entity(inst.GUID, "container._items["..tostring(i).."]", "items["..tostring(i).."]dirty"))
AddPrefabPostInit("container_classified", addItemSlotNetvarsInContainer)

--Change containers
local widgetsetup_Base = containers.widgetsetup or function() return true end
function containers.widgetsetup(container, prefab, data, ...)
	local tempPrefab = prefab or container.inst.prefab
	local result = widgetsetup_Base(container, prefab, data, ...)  

	function NewCustomContainers(Type, SlotMax, Custom)
		container.widget.slotpos = {}
		GLOBAL.removesetter(container, "numslots")	
		container.numslots = SlotMax
		for i = 1, #CustomListContainer, 1 do
			if (Type == CustomListContainer[i][1] and SlotMax == CustomListContainer[i][2] and CustomListContainer[i][3] ~= nil) then
			  	container.widget.animbank = CustomListContainer[i][3]
			  	container.widget.animbuild = CustomListContainer[i][4]
		  	elseif (Type == CustomListContainer[i][1] and SlotMax == CustomListContainer[i][2] and CustomListContainer[i][3] == nil) then
			  	container.widget.animbank = nil
			  	container.widget.animbuild = nil
			  	container.widget.bgatlas = CustomListContainer[i][9]
			  	container.widget.bgimage = CustomListContainer[i][10]
		  	if (Type == CustomListContainer[i][1] and CustomListContainer[i][1] == "pack" and SlotMax == CustomListContainer[i][2]) then
			  	container.widget.pos = Vector3(CustomListContainer[i][5][1], CustomListContainer[i][5][2], CustomListContainer[i][5][3])
			  	for y = CustomListContainer[i][6][1], CustomListContainer[i][6][2], CustomListContainer[i][6][3] do
				  	table.insert(container.widget.slotpos, Vector3(CustomListContainer[i][7][1] * CustomListContainer[i][7][2] + CustomListContainer[i][7][3], y * CustomListContainer[i][7][4] * CustomListContainer[i][7][5] + CustomListContainer[i][7][6],0))
				  	table.insert(container.widget.slotpos, Vector3(CustomListContainer[i][8][1] * CustomListContainer[i][8][2] + CustomListContainer[i][8][3], y * CustomListContainer[i][8][4] * CustomListContainer[i][8][5] + CustomListContainer[i][8][6],0))
		  	elseif (Type == CustomListContainer[i][1] and CustomListContainer[i][1] == "storage" and SlotMax == CustomListContainer[i][2]) then
				  	if (Custom == "Bundle") then
					  	container.widget.buttoninfo.position = Vector3(CustomListContainer[i][5][1], CustomListContainer[i][5][2], CustomListContainer[i][5][3])
				  	if (CustomListContainer[i][3] ~= nil) then
					  	container.widget.bgimagetint = {r=.82,g=.77,b=.7,a=1}
				  	for y = CustomListContainer[i][6][1], CustomListContainer[i][6][2], CustomListContainer[i][6][3] do
					 	for x = CustomListContainer[i][6][4], CustomListContainer[i][6][5] do
						  	table.insert(container.widget.slotpos, Vector3(x * CustomListContainer[i][7][1] * CustomListContainer[i][7][2] + CustomListContainer[i][7][3], y * CustomListContainer[i][7][4] * CustomListContainer[i][7][5] + CustomListContainer[i][7][6], 0))
		container:SetNumSlots(container.widget.slotpos ~= nil and #container.widget.slotpos or 0)
  	for i = 1, #ChangeListStorage, 1 do
		if (tempPrefab == ChangeListStorage[i][1] and ChangeListStorage[i][3] ~= ChangeListStorage[i][4]) then
		  	NewCustomContainers(ChangeListStorage[i][2], ChangeListStorage[i][4], ChangeListStorage[i][5])
 	return result
--Change items
local function Changer(CurrentList)
		if CurrentList[2] == "tuning" then
			TUNING[CurrentList[1]] = CurrentList[3]
		elseif (CurrentList[2] == "preserver" and CurrentList[3] ~= 1) then
					if GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
		elseif (CurrentList[2] == "cango" and CurrentList[3]) then
					if GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
						inst.components.inventoryitem.cangoincontainer = true
		elseif (CurrentList[2] == "nofuel" and CurrentList[3]) then
			local old_TemperatureChange
			local old_heatrock_fn
			local function new_TemperatureChange(inst, data)
					inst.components.fueled = 
					GetPercent = function() return 1 end,
					SetPercent = function() end,
					old_TemperatureChange(inst, data)
					inst.components.fueled = nil
			local function new_heatrock_fn(inst)
					if GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
						local function switchListenerFns(t)
								local listeners = t["temperaturedelta"]
								local listener_fns = listeners[inst]
								old_TemperatureChange = listener_fns[1]
								listener_fns[1] = new_TemperatureChange
			AddPrefabPostInit(CurrentList[1], new_heatrock_fn)
		elseif CurrentList[2] == "speed" then 
			if CurrentList[3] ~= 1 then
						if GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
							inst.components.equippable.walkspeedmult = CurrentList[3]
		elseif CurrentList[2] == "floor"  then
				if (inst.components.locomotor and CurrentList[3]) then
				inst.components.locomotor:SetFasterOnGroundTile(GROUND[CurrentList[1]], true)
		elseif (CurrentList[2] == "recipe" and CurrentList[3] == true) then
			Recipe = AddRecipe
			STRINGS.RECIPE_DESC[CurrentList[4]] = CurrentList[5]
			if RegisterRussianName then
				STRINGS.RECIPE_DESC[CurrentList[4]] = CurrentList[6]
			AddRecipe(CurrentList[1], CurrentList[7], RECIPETABS[CurrentList[8]], TECH[CurrentList[9]], nil, nil, nil, CurrentList[10])

for i = 1, #ChangeListItems, 1 do



Edited by DiRten
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