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The SaveGameIndex:GetOriginOfTravel function

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Hi, so I'm trying to do a Hamlet caves mod, and one thing I'm trying to correct, is to make it hamlet seasons in the caves. I found out that I can use the SaveGameIndex:GetOriginOfTravel() == "porkland" to check whether the current cave is generated by a Hamlet world. But when I descend to the level of the ruins, the function returns simply "cave". Is there a way to determine the origin of the previous level, or would I have to save this data by a class post construct to the saveindex.lua or something?

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Okay so a really easy solution is to add a component to the player since the player's data is reloaded when you travel to a new world:

local WORLDS = {
	porkland = true, 
	shipwrecked = true, 
	forest = true, 

local World_Traveller = Class(function(self, inst)
	self.world = "forest"

	local prefab = GetWorld().prefab
	if WORLDS[prefab] then self.world = prefab end 

function World_Traveller:OnSave()
	local data = {world = self.world}
	local aporkalypse = GetWorld().prefab == "porkland" and GetWorld().components.aporkalypse
	if aporkalypse then 
		print("saving aporkalypse data in the world traveller component")
		data.aporkalypse = aporkalypse:OnSave()
		for k, v in pairs(data.aporkalypse) do print(k, v) end 
	local manager = GetSeasonManager()
	if manager.seasonmode == "plateau" then 
		print("saving porkland season data in world traveller component")
		data.porkland_season = GetSeasonManager():OnSave() 
		for k, v in pairs(data.porkland_season) do print(k, v) end 
	return data

function World_Traveller:OnLoad(data)
	local prefab = GetWorld().prefab
	if WORLDS[prefab] then -- in a main world
		self.world = prefab 
	elseif data and data.world then -- from a main world 
		self.world = data.world 
	if self.world ~= "porkland" or WORLDS[prefab] then return end -- specific porkland fixes: 
	local aporkalypse = GetWorld().components.aporkalypse
	if aporkalypse and data.aporkalypse then 
		print("loading aporkalypse data from the world traveller component")
		for k, v in pairs(data.aporkalypse) do print(k, v) end 
	local manager = GetSeasonManager()
	if data.porkland_season and manager.Plateau then 
		print("loading porkland season data from world traveller component")
		for k, v in pairs(data.porkland_season) do print(k, v) end 
		manager.OnLoad = function() end -- nullify this function after using it. 

return World_Traveller


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