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custom follower does not follow....

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I am trying to make a mod with a custom follower i looked chester, glommer and critters files (brain, SG, chester_eyebone etc) the follower works fine also i can spawn the item that he should follow but it does not follow it also it need to spawn it (like chester) but it does not spawn it. idk what is wrong, there is no error or crush it just does not work.


Edit: btw it doesn't need to follow an item it could be better if i can make it follow/spawn with something eatable like when i eat that thing the follower will spawn and start following me. Or if i can make it with a tag its also ok but i don't know if its possible or how to do.


local assets =
    Asset("ANIM", "anim/liira.zip"),
    --Asset("SOUND", "sound/liira.fsb"),

local prefabs =

local brain = require("brains/liirabrain")

local function OnStartFollowing(inst)
    if inst.components.follower.leader:HasTag("fairyabait") then

local function fn()
    local inst = CreateEntity()


    inst.DynamicShadow:SetSize(2, .75) --same as glommer change if its needed
    --inst.Transform:SetScale(0.7, 0.7, 1)

    MakeGhostPhysics(inst, 1, 5) -- i don't know what the heck is this but same with glommer


    inst:AddTag("cattoyairborne") --probably this is for cats to play with it


    if not TheWorld.ismastersim then
        return inst


    inst:ListenForEvent("startfollowing", OnStartFollowing)


    inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = 7
    inst.components.locomotor.pathcaps = {allowocean = true}



    return inst

return Prefab("liira", fn, assets, prefabs)

fairybait.lu(item like chester eyebone)

local assets =

    Asset("ATLAS", "images/inventoryimages/fairybait.xml"),
	Asset("IMAGE", "images/inventoryimages/fairybait.tex"),

local SPAWN_DIST = 30

local function GetSpawnPoint(pt)
    local theta = math.random() * 2 * PI
    local radius = SPAWN_DIST
    local offset = FindWalkableOffset(pt, theta, radius, 12, true)
    return offset ~= nil and (pt + offset) or nil

local function SpawnLiira(inst)
    --print("chester_eyebone - SpawnChester")

    local pt = inst:GetPosition()
    --print("    near", pt)

    local spawn_pt = GetSpawnPoint(pt)
    if spawn_pt ~= nil then
        --print("    at", spawn_pt)
        local liira = SpawnPrefab("liira")
        if liira ~= nil then

            return liira

        -- this is not fatal, they can try again in a new location by picking up the bone again
        --print("chester_eyebone - SpawnChester: Couldn't find a suitable spawn point for chester")

local function RebindLiira(inst, liira)
    liira = liira or TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("liira")
    if liira ~= nil then
        if liira.components.follower.leader ~= inst then
        return true

local function fn()
    local inst = CreateEntity()






    if not TheWorld.ismastersim then
        return inst


    inst.components.inventoryitem.atlasname = "images/inventoryimages/fairybait.xml"
	inst.components.inventoryitem.keepondeath = true


    return inst

return Prefab("fairybait", fn, assets)


Edited by AkaiNight
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9 minutes ago, Thomas Die said:

Can you explain exactly what you want in your pet because you're kinda Frankensteining code together?
so just kinda confused

I am trying to make an follower for the first time and im not sure how to do it so i checked chester and critter like creatures and i also followed this tutorial . I am trying to make a follower that can't attack and can't be targeted like critters. Fow now i just want it to spawn/follow when when certain conditions are met like when i eat a food or when i killed a mob or something like critters but those are too much for me for now so im trying to make it follow a certain item. For furute plans i am planning to make it has upgradeable custom crafting tech (depends on its level and it will level up when it eat enough amount of certain food) also im planning to add it a contained like chester but only storage items with custom tag(9 or 12 inv slot) but for now im jst trying to make it follow.


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1 hour ago, AkaiNight said:

I am trying to make a follower that can't attack and can't be targeted like critters

local AREA_EXCLUDE_TAGS = { "INLIMBO", "notarget", "noattack", "flight", "invisible", "playerghost" }
--line 78

--I think any one of these taggs will maybe remove chances of getting attacked
--being 1 -3

can't attack is probably as simple as not having and combat functions added

1 hour ago, AkaiNight said:

spawn/follow when when certain conditions are met like when i eat a food or when i killed a mob or something like critters

--SpawnPrefab("prefab name") --spawns prefab in

--This uses pt so use GET() to use locations
local function GetSpawnPoint()
    local theta = math.random() * 2 * PI
    local radius = 30
    local offset = FindWalkableOffset(inst:GetPosition(), theta, radius, 12, true)
    return offset ~= nil and (pt + offset) or nil

--used in chester code
---uses pt instead of 
--as simply as using location to spawn
local variable = SpawnPrefab("prefab name") --> saving your prefab and spawning it in
local spawn = GetSpawnPoint() --> using the code to find a reasonable place
variable.Physics:Teleport(spawn:Get()) --> brining it to that place

variable.components.follower:SetLeader(inst) -->telling the prefab to be your follower

Events are used commonly to show that an event has taken place and carry some data of the event that happened

---object:PushEvent("event name", { data1 = data_given1 , data2 = data_given2 })----

object is the item which will have the event happen too
the data needs a name and data to work so 
data1 (the name) = data_given1 (the data)
it's put in a list format so have each data have a comma inbetween them

-----inst:ListenForEvent("event_name", function(inst,data)----



local function functionname (inst,data)


-----inst:ListenForEvent("event_name", functionname)

these will listen when "event_name" has occured and launche
the function inputted have an exisitng local function or a given one

parameter data stores all the data given and to acess is too use


--inst:PushEvent("oneat", { food = food, feeder = feeder })
--the event pushed with data.food being the food eaten and data.feeder being who gave you the food

inst:ListenForEvent("oneaten", function(inst,data)
if data.food.prefab == "your food choice" then --> data.food to find the data.food and data.food.prefab to get the name of it
     --put code here

--attacker:PushEvent("killed", { victim = self.inst })
--the event pushed has the victim bieng the one you killed

inst:ListenForEvent("killed", function(inst,data)
if data.victim then
       --put code here


if it doesn't make sense or you want some help just ask

Edited by Thomas Die
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[00:00:13]: [string "../mods/Kitsura/scripts/prefabs/fairybait.l..."]:15: variable 'inst' is not declared
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
        =[C] in function 'error'
        ../mods/Kitsura/scripts/prefabs/fairybait.lua(15,1) in function 'GetSpawnPoint'
        ../mods/Kitsura/scripts/prefabs/fairybait.lua(23,1) in function 'fn'
        =(tail call) ?
        =[C] in function 'xpcall'
        scripts/mods.lua(644,1) in function 'RegisterPrefabs'
        scripts/gamelogic.lua(237,1) in function 'LoadAssets'
        scripts/gamelogic.lua(1117,1) in function 'DoResetAction'
        =[C] in function 'GetPersistentString'
        scripts/saveindex.lua(285,1) in function 'Load'
        scripts/gamelogic.lua(1189,1) in function 'callback'
        scripts/playerprofile.lua(1228,1) in function 'Set'
        =[C] in function 'GetPersistentString'
        scripts/playerprofile.lua(1077,1) in function 'Load'
        scripts/gamelogic.lua(1188,1) in main chunk
        =[C] in function 'require'

well i have no idea...

local function GetSpawnPoint()
    local theta = math.random() * 2 * PI
    local radius = 30
    local offset = FindWalkableOffset(inst:GetPosition(), theta, radius, 12, true) --line 15
    return offset ~= nil and (pt + offset) or nil

local variable = SpawnPrefab("liira") --> saving your prefab and spawning it in
local spawn = GetSpawnPoint() --> using the code to find a reasonable place -- line 23
variable.Physics:Teleport(spawn:Get()) --> brining it to that place


Edited by AkaiNight
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you can't just throw the code in

where did you even put it

local function GetSpawnPoint()
    local theta = math.random() * 2 * PI
    local radius = 30
    local offset = FindWalkableOffset(inst:GetPosition(), theta, radius, 12, true) --line 15
    return offset ~= nil and (inst:GetPosition() + offset) or nil


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Well i don't know what exactly i should do so i copied your code in mine.. also i don't know what is that error about so here everything i thought you may  need


liira is the follower

fairybait is the eyebone like item


i can post the codes too if you don't want to download

liira.lua fairybait.lua server_log.txt client_log.txt

Edited by AkaiNight
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--put these with your functions
local function GetSpawnPoint(inst)
    local theta = math.random() * 2 * PI
    local radius = 30
    local offset = FindWalkableOffset(inst:GetPosition(), theta, radius, 12, true) --line 15
    return offset ~= nil and (inst:GetPosition() + offset) or nil

--put these near you components
local variable = SpawnPrefab("liira") --> saving your prefab and spawning it in
local spawn = GetSpawnPoint() --> using the code to find a reasonable place -- line 23
variable.Physics:Teleport(spawn:Get(inst)) --> brining it to that place



try with this

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Am i doing it wrong?

local assets =

    Asset("ATLAS", "images/inventoryimages/fairybait.xml"),
	Asset("IMAGE", "images/inventoryimages/fairybait.tex"),

--SpawnPrefab("prefab name") --spawns prefab in

--This uses pt so use GET() to use locations
local function GetSpawnPoint()
    local theta = math.random() * 2 * PI
    local radius = 30
    local offset = FindWalkableOffset(inst:GetPosition(), theta, radius, 12, true)
    return offset ~= nil and (pt + offset) or nil

local function fn()
    local inst = CreateEntity()






    if not TheWorld.ismastersim then
        return inst


    --used in chester code
    ---uses pt instead of 
    --as simply as using location to spawn
    local variable = SpawnPrefab("liira") --> saving your prefab and spawning it in
    local spawn = GetSpawnPoint() --> using the code to find a reasonable place
    variable.Physics:Teleport(spawn:Get()) --> brining it to that place

    variable.components.follower:SetLeader(fairybait) -->telling the prefab to be your follower


    --inst:PushEvent("oneat", { food = food, feeder = feeder })
    --the event pushed with data.food being the food eaten and data.feeder being who gave you the food
    inst:ListenForEvent("oneaten", function(inst,data)
        if data.food.prefab == "nill" then --> data.food to find the data.food and data.food.prefab to get the name of it
             --put code here

    inst.components.inventoryitem.atlasname = "images/inventoryimages/fairybait.xml"
	inst.components.inventoryitem.keepondeath = true


    return inst

return Prefab("fairybait", fn, assets)

here is the error

System Memory:
	Memory Load: 82%
	Available Physical Memory: 1445m/8131m
	Available Page File: 8517m/22467m
	Available Virtual Memory: 3986m/4095m
	Available Extended Virtual Memory: 0m
Process Memory:
	Peak Working Set Size: 29m
	Working Set Size: 29m
	Quota Peak Page Pool Usage: 214k
	Quota Page Pool Usage: 211k
	Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage:16k
	Quota Non Paged Pool Usage: 16k
	Page File Usage: 5m
	Peak Page File Usage: 5m
[00:00:00]: PersistRootStorage is now APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/93988299/Cluster_3/Master/ 
[00:00:00]: Starting Up
[00:00:00]: Version: 469733
[00:00:00]: Current time: Sat Jul 03 19:09:17 2021

[00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 469733 WIN32
[00:00:00]: Build Date: 6522
[00:00:00]: Mode: 32-bit
[00:00:00]: Parsing command line
[00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -monitor_parent_process 4348 -persistent_storage_root APP:Klei/ -conf_dir DoNotStarveTogether -cluster Cluster_3 -ownernetid 76561198054254027 -ownerdir 93988299 -backup_log_count 25 -backup_log_period 0 -ugc_directory E:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\workshop -shard Master -sigprefix DST_Master -region EU 
[00:00:00]: Initializing distribution platform
[00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler
[00:00:00]: ....Done
[00:00:00]: ....Done
[00:00:00]: Fixing DPI
[00:00:00]: ...Done
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/klump.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (23452)
[00:00:00]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main()
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/shaders.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/fonts.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/anim_dynamic.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/bigportraits.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/images.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/scripts.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(10999, 27016)
[00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init success
[00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:3.09
[00:00:00]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)
[00:00:00]: Platform: 1
[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'Ping Job Thread' (13708)
[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:01]: Authorized application E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Don't Starve Together\bin\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe is disabled in the firewall.
[00:00:01]: Authorized application E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Don't Starve Together\bin\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe is now enabled in the firewall.
[00:00:01]: Overriding region to EU
[00:00:01]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/93988299/client_save/blocklist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:01]: THREAD - started 'StreamInput' (15936)
[00:00:01]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/93988299/client_save/adminlist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:01]: OnLoadUserIdList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/93988299/client_save/whitelist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:01]: Offline user ID: OU_76561198054254027
[00:00:01]: Token retrieved from: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/93988299/Cluster_3/cluster_token.txt
[00:00:01]: Token retrieved from: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/93988299/Cluster_3/cluster_token.txt
[00:00:01]: HardwareStats:
    name                      Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
    version                   10.0.18363
    architecture              64 bit
    platformSpecific          SP 0.0
    numCores                  6
    features                  SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE41,SSE42,AVX
    name                      Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz
    manufacturer              GenuineIntel
    clockSpeed                2808
    megsOfRam                 8192
    name                      NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
    driverDate                20210513000000.000000-000
    megsOfRam                 4095
    refreshRate               60
    videoModeDescription      1280 x 1024 x 4294967296 renk

[00:00:01]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread
[00:00:01]: Renderer initialize: Okay
[00:00:01]: AnimManager initialize: Okay
[00:00:01]: Buffers initialize: Okay
[00:00:01]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize()
[00:00:01]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay
[00:00:01]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:01]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:01]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:01]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:01]:   taskgrouplist:	default	Together	
[00:00:01]:   taskgrouplist:	classic	Classic	
[00:00:01]:   taskgrouplist:	cave_default	Underground	
[00:00:01]:   taskgrouplist:	lavaarena_taskset	The Forge	
[00:00:01]:   taskgrouplist:	quagmire_taskset	The Gorge	
[00:00:01]: running main.lua
[00:00:01]: loaded modindex	
[00:00:01]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
[00:00:01]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua	
[00:00:01]: modoverrides.lua enabling Kitsura	
[00:00:01]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, 	Kitsura	
[00:00:01]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_Kitsura_CLIENT	
[00:00:01]: Loading mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox) Version:q.q	
[00:00:01]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod Kitsura	
[00:00:01]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	Loading modworldgenmain.lua	
[00:00:02]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.	
[00:00:02]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	Loading modmain.lua	
[00:00:02]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs
[00:00:03]: Registering Server mod namespace "kitsura"
[00:00:03]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue	
[00:00:03]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history	
[00:00:03]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences	
[00:00:03]: bloom_enabled	true	
[00:00:03]: OnFilesLoaded()	
[00:00:03]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete	
[00:00:03]: Klump load on boot started.	
[00:00:03]: Klump files loaded: 	0	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	Registering prefabs	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/kitsura	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    kitsura	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/kitsura_none	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    kitsura_none	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/shirayuki	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    shirayuki	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/khrmira	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    khrmira	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/heleg_kurh	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    heleg_kurh	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/mithr_aak	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    mithr_aak	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/q_shai	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    q_shai	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/vehnmir_ann	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    vehnmir_ann	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/uth_oira	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    uth_oira	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/kitsura_arrow	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    ice_projectile	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    kitsura_arrow	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/rusty_crown	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    rusty_crown	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/broken_ancient_crown	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    broken_ancient_crown	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/gemless_ancient_crown	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    gemless_ancient_crown	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/ancient_crown	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    ancient_crown	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/extract_of_damned_spirit	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    extract_of_damned_spirit	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/venenum_polus	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    venenum_polus	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/soul_powder	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    soul_powder	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/antique_stone	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    antique_stone	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/eternal_stone	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    eternal_stone	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/soul_piece	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    soul_piece	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/broken_piece_1	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    broken_piece_1	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/broken_piece_2	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    broken_piece_2	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/broken_piece_3	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    broken_piece_3	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/fairybait	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    fairybait	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/liira	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    liira	
[00:00:05]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering default mod prefab	
[00:00:06]: 	Load FE	
[00:00:06]: 	Load FE: done	
[00:00:06]: THREAD - started 'FilesExistAsyncThread' (15808)
[00:00:06]: FilesExistAsyncThread started (17824 files)...
[00:00:06]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:00:06]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:00:06]: Available disk space for save files: 25074 MB
[00:00:06]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.	
[00:00:06]: Reset() returning
[00:00:06]: [IPC] Signal 'DST_Master_Kill' opened  #0000091C
[00:00:06]: [IPC] Registering handler for signal #0000091C
[00:00:06]: [IPC] Handle #0000091C added to the Eventhandles
[00:00:06]: [IPC] Signal 'DST_Master_Starting' opened  #00000654
[00:00:06]: [IPC] Sending signal... #00000654
[00:00:07]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:00:07]: Received (KU_yy8VPGPr) from TokenPurpose
[00:00:07]: Starting Dedicated Server Game	
[00:00:07]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:07]: About to start a server with the following settings:
[00:00:07]:   Dedicated: true
[00:00:07]:   Online: true
[00:00:07]:   Passworded: false
[00:00:07]:   ServerPort: 10999
[00:00:07]:   SteamAuthPort: 8766
[00:00:07]:   SteamMasterServerPort: 27016
[00:00:07]:   ClanID: false
[00:00:07]:   ClanOnly: false
[00:00:07]:   ClanAdmin: false
[00:00:07]:   LanOnly: false
[00:00:07]:   FriendsOnly: false
[00:00:07]:   EnableAutosaver: true
[00:00:07]:   EncodeUserPath: true
[00:00:07]:   PVP: false
[00:00:07]:   MaxPlayers: 6
[00:00:07]:   GameMode: survival
[00:00:07]:   OverridenDNS: 
[00:00:07]:   PauseWhenEmpty: true
[00:00:07]:   IdleTimeout: 1800s
[00:00:07]:   VoteEnabled: false
[00:00:07]:   InternetBroadcasting: true
[00:00:07]:   Intent: cooperative
[00:00:07]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 10999 is open in the firewall. 
[00:00:07]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_Kitsura	
[00:00:07]: Online Server Started on port: 10999
[00:00:07]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua	
[00:00:07]: Found a level data override file with these contents:	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	desc	 V: 	The standard Don't Starve experience.	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	hideminimap	 V: 	false	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	id	 V: 	SURVIVAL_TOGETHER	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	location	 V: 	forest	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	max_playlist_position	 V: 	999	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	min_playlist_position	 V: 	0	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	name	 V: 	Standard Forest	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	numrandom_set_pieces	 V: 	4	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	override_level_string	 V: 	false	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	overrides	 V: 	table: 0CA5E428	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	alternatehunt	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	angrybees	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	antliontribute	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	autumn	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	bats_setting	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	bearger	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	beefalo	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	beefaloheat	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	beequeen	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	bees	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	bees_setting	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	berrybush	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	birds	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	boons	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	branching	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	brightmarecreatures	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	bunnymen_setting	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	butterfly	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	buzzard	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	cactus	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	carrot	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	carrots_regrowth	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	catcoon	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	catcoons	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	chess	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	cookiecutters	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	crabking	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	day	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	deciduousmonster	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	deciduoustree_regrowth	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	deerclops	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	dragonfly	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	dropeverythingondespawn	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	evergreen_regrowth	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	extrastartingitems	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	fishschools	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	flint	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	flowers	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	flowers_regrowth	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	frograin	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	frogs	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	fruitfly	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	gnarwail	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	goosemoose	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	grass	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	grassgekkos	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	has_ocean	 V: 	true	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	hound_mounds	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	houndmound	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	hounds	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	hunt	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	keep_disconnected_tiles	 V: 	true	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	klaus	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	krampus	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	layout_mode	 V: 	LinkNodesByKeys	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	liefs	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	lightning	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	lightninggoat	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	loop	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	lureplants	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	malbatross	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	marshbush	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	merm	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	merms	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	meteorshowers	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	meteorspawner	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moles	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moles_setting	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moon_berrybush	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moon_bullkelp	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moon_carrot	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moon_fissure	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moon_fruitdragon	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moon_hotspring	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moon_rock	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moon_sapling	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moon_spider	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moon_spiders	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moon_starfish	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moon_tree	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	moon_tree_regrowth	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	mosquitos	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	mushroom	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	mutated_hounds	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	no_joining_islands	 V: 	true	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	no_wormholes_to_disconnected_tiles	 V: 	true	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	ocean_bullkelp	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	ocean_seastack	 V: 	ocean_default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	ocean_shoal	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	ocean_waterplant	 V: 	ocean_default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	ocean_wobsterden	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	penguins	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	penguins_moon	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	perd	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	petrification	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	pigs	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	pigs_setting	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	ponds	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	prefabswaps_start	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	rabbits	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	rabbits_setting	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	reeds	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	regrowth	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	roads	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	rock	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	rock_ice	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	saltstack_regrowth	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	sapling	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	season_start	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	seasonalstartingitems	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	shadowcreatures	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	sharks	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	spawnprotection	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	specialevent	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	spider_warriors	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	spiderqueen	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	spiders	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	spiders_setting	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	spring	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	squid	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	start_location	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	summer	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	tallbirds	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	task_set	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	tentacles	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	touchstone	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	trees	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	tumbleweed	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	twiggytrees_regrowth	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	walrus	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	walrus_setting	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	wasps	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	weather	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	wildfires	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	winter	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	wobsters	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	world_size	 V: 	default	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	wormhole_prefab	 V: 	wormhole	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	random_set_pieces	 V: 	table: 0CA5E6F8	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	1	 V: 	Sculptures_2	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	2	 V: 	Sculptures_3	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	3	 V: 	Sculptures_4	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	4	 V: 	Sculptures_5	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	5	 V: 	Chessy_1	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	6	 V: 	Chessy_2	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	7	 V: 	Chessy_3	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	8	 V: 	Chessy_4	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	9	 V: 	Chessy_5	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	10	 V: 	Chessy_6	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	11	 V: 	Maxwell1	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	12	 V: 	Maxwell2	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	13	 V: 	Maxwell3	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	14	 V: 	Maxwell4	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	15	 V: 	Maxwell6	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	16	 V: 	Maxwell7	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	17	 V: 	Warzone_1	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	18	 V: 	Warzone_2	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	19	 V: 	Warzone_3	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	required_prefabs	 V: 	table: 0CA5E720	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	1	 V: 	multiplayer_portal	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	required_setpieces	 V: 	table: 0CA5E478	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	1	 V: 	Sculptures_1	
[00:00:07]: 		K: 	2	 V: 	Maxwell5	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	settings_desc	 V: 	The standard Don't Starve experience.	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	settings_id	 V: 	SURVIVAL_TOGETHER	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	settings_name	 V: 	Standard Forest	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	substitutes	 V: 	table: 0CA5E518	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	version	 V: 	4	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	worldgen_desc	 V: 	The standard Don't Starve experience.	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	worldgen_id	 V: 	SURVIVAL_TOGETHER	
[00:00:07]: 	K: 	worldgen_name	 V: 	Standard Forest	
[00:00:07]: Loaded and applied level data override from ../leveldataoverride.lua	
[00:00:07]: Overwriting savedata with level data file.	
[00:00:07]: Not applying world gen overrides.	
[00:00:07]: Collecting garbage...
[00:00:07]: lua_gc took 0.03 seconds
[00:00:07]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:00:07]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:00:07]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:00:07]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:00:07]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:00:07]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:00:07]: FilesExistAsyncThread aborted.
[00:00:07]: ... FilesExistAsyncThread complete
[00:00:07]: lua_close took 0.05 seconds
[00:00:07]: ReleaseAll
[00:00:07]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:00:07]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:07]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:07]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:07]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:07]:   taskgrouplist:	default	Together	
[00:00:07]:   taskgrouplist:	classic	Classic	
[00:00:07]:   taskgrouplist:	cave_default	Underground	
[00:00:07]:   taskgrouplist:	lavaarena_taskset	The Forge	
[00:00:07]:   taskgrouplist:	quagmire_taskset	The Gorge	
[00:00:07]: running main.lua
[00:00:07]: loaded modindex	
[00:00:07]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
[00:00:07]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua	
[00:00:07]: modoverrides.lua enabling Kitsura	
[00:00:07]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, 	Kitsura	
[00:00:07]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_Kitsura	
[00:00:07]: Loading mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox) Version:q.q	
[00:00:07]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod Kitsura	
[00:00:07]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	Loading modworldgenmain.lua	
[00:00:07]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.	
[00:00:07]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	Loading modmain.lua	
[00:00:08]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs
[00:00:08]: Registering Server mod namespace "kitsura"
[00:00:08]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue	
[00:00:08]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history	
[00:00:08]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences	
[00:00:08]: bloom_enabled	true	
[00:00:08]: OnFilesLoaded()	
[00:00:08]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete	
[00:00:08]: Loading world: session/6B6C3C0EAE1AD0D6/0000000013	
[00:00:08]: Save file is at version 5.065	
[00:00:08]: Klump load on boot started.	
[00:00:08]: Klump files loaded: 	0	
[00:00:08]: 	Unload FE	
[00:00:08]: 	Unload FE done	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	Registering prefabs	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/kitsura	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    kitsura	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/kitsura_none	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    kitsura_none	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/shirayuki	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    shirayuki	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/khrmira	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    khrmira	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/heleg_kurh	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    heleg_kurh	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/mithr_aak	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    mithr_aak	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/q_shai	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    q_shai	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/vehnmir_ann	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    vehnmir_ann	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/uth_oira	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    uth_oira	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/kitsura_arrow	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    ice_projectile	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    kitsura_arrow	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/rusty_crown	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    rusty_crown	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/broken_ancient_crown	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    broken_ancient_crown	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/gemless_ancient_crown	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    gemless_ancient_crown	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/ancient_crown	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    ancient_crown	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/extract_of_damned_spirit	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    extract_of_damned_spirit	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/venenum_polus	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    venenum_polus	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/soul_powder	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    soul_powder	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/antique_stone	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    antique_stone	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/eternal_stone	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    eternal_stone	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/soul_piece	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    soul_piece	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/broken_piece_1	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    broken_piece_1	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/broken_piece_2	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    broken_piece_2	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/broken_piece_3	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    broken_piece_3	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/fairybait	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    fairybait	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering prefab file: prefabs/liira	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	    liira	
[00:00:09]: Mod: Kitsura (Kitsura FrostFox)	  Registering default mod prefab	
[00:00:10]: 	LOAD BE	
[00:00:13]: Could not preload undefined prefab (alterguardian_spiketrail_fx)
[00:00:18]: Could not preload undefined prefab (bedazzler_buff)
[00:00:20]: 	LOAD BE: done	
[00:00:20]: Begin Session: 6B6C3C0EAE1AD0D6
[00:00:20]: saving to server_temp/server_save	
[00:00:20]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
[00:00:20]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/Kitsura/images/map_icons/kitsura.xml )
[00:00:20]: Loading 18 new character(s)	
[00:00:21]: Total 18 character(s) loaded	
[00:00:22]: Loading Nav Grid	
[00:00:22]: World generated on build 469733 with save version: 5.065, using seed: 1625224305	
[00:00:22]: setting 	summerlength	15	
[00:00:22]: setting 	cavemoonphase	quarter	
[00:00:22]: setting 	iscavefullmoon	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	isnightmaredawn	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	elapseddaysinseason	2	
[00:00:22]: setting 	isfullmoon	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	moisture	285.20336914063	
[00:00:22]: setting 	cavephase	day	
[00:00:22]: setting 	iscavewaxingmoon	true	
[00:00:22]: setting 	isnightmarewild	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	nightmaretimeinphase	0	
[00:00:22]: setting 	precipitationrate	0	
[00:00:22]: setting 	iswet	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	isnewmoon	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	precipitation	none	
[00:00:22]: setting 	israining	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	isnightmarewarn	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	iswinter	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	season	autumn	
[00:00:22]: setting 	remainingdaysinseason	18	
[00:00:22]: setting 	winterlength	15	
[00:00:22]: setting 	iscaveday	true	
[00:00:22]: setting 	moistureceil	565.39447021484	
[00:00:22]: setting 	isday	true	
[00:00:22]: setting 	springlength	20	
[00:00:22]: setting 	wetness	0	
[00:00:22]: setting 	iscavedusk	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	isalterawake	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	isnightmarecalm	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	isnight	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	isdusk	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	isspring	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	isautumn	true	
[00:00:22]: setting 	issnowing	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	iswaxingmoon	true	
[00:00:22]: setting 	phase	day	
[00:00:22]: setting 	snowlevel	0	
[00:00:22]: setting 	issnowcovered	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	autumnlength	20	
[00:00:22]: setting 	pop	0.50443254075734	
[00:00:22]: setting 	nightmaretime	0	
[00:00:22]: setting 	seasonprogress	0.55	
[00:00:22]: setting 	moonphase	quarter	
[00:00:22]: setting 	nightmarephase	none	
[00:00:22]: setting 	cycles	2	
[00:00:22]: setting 	timeinphase	0.71021722157796	
[00:00:22]: setting 	iscavenight	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	iscavenewmoon	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	issummer	false	
[00:00:22]: setting 	temperature	32.095892802785	
[00:00:22]: setting 	time	0.35510861078898	
[00:00:23]: Could not find anim [idle_loop] in bank [liira]
[00:00:23]: [string "../mods/Kitsura/scripts/prefabs/fairybait.l..."]:15: variable 'inst' is not declared
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=[C]:-1 in (global) error (C) <-1--1>
scripts/strict.lua:23 in () ? (Lua) <21-26>
   t = table: 09DE3670
   n = inst
../mods/Kitsura/scripts/prefabs/fairybait.lua:15 in (upvalue) GetSpawnPoint (Lua) <12-17>
   theta = 4.7655742013052
   radius = 30
../mods/Kitsura/scripts/prefabs/fairybait.lua:47 in (field) fn (Lua) <19-71>
   inst = 100052 -  (valid:true)
   variable = 100053 - liira (valid:true)
scripts/mainfunctions.lua:300 in () ? (Lua) <289-331>
   name = fairybait
   prefab = Prefab fairybait - 
=[C]:-1 in (method) SpawnPrefab (C) <-1--1>
scripts/mainfunctions.lua:348 in (global) SpawnPrefab (Lua) <342-350>
   name = fairybait
   skin = nil
   skin_id = nil
   creator = nil
scripts/mainfunctions.lua:365 in (global) SpawnSaveRecord (Lua) <363-405>
   saved = table: 102DCFE0
   newents = table: 0B459A80
scripts/gamelogic.lua:586 in (upvalue) PopulateWorld (Lua) <349-620>
   savedata = table: 102DC040
   profile = table: 0BD3B5E8
   world = 100026 - world (valid:true)
   map = Map (1EAA3EC0)
   newents = table: 0B459A80
   prefab = fairybait
   ents = table: 102DCC98
   i = 1
   v = table: 102DCFE0
scripts/gamelogic.lua:844 in (upvalue) DoInitGame (Lua) <719-923>
   savedata = table: 102DC040
   profile = table: 0BD3B5E8
   was_file_load = false
   options = table: 102D99A8
scripts/gamelogic.lua:957 in (local) cb (Lua) <951-958>
   savedata = table: 102DC040
scripts/shardindex.lua:209 in (upvalue) OnLoadSaveDataFile (Lua) <191-210>
   file = session/6B6C3C0EAE1AD0D6/0000000013
   cb = function - scripts/gamelogic.lua:951
   load_success = true
   str = return {world_network={persistdata={clock={totaltimeinphase=240,cycles=2,phase="day",remainingtimeinphase=69.547866821289,mooomphasecycle=3,segs={night=2,day=8,dusk=6}},seasons={premode=false,season="autumn",elapseddaysinseason=2,israndom={summer=false,autumn=false,spring=false,winter=false},lengths={summer=15,autumn=20,spring=20,winter=15},remainingdaysinseason=18,mode="cycle",totaldaysinseason=40,segs={summer={night=4,day=11,dusk=1},autumn={night=2,day=8,dusk=6},spring={night=3,day=5,dusk=8},winter={night=6,day=5,dusk=5}}},worldtemperature={seasontemperature=27.5,daylight=true,noisetime=1130.1789550781,season="autumn",phasetemperature=3.9486886172682},weather={preciptype="none",daylight=true,moistureceil=565.39447021484,peakprecipitationrate=1,season="autumn",moisturerateval=0.25923357332036,lightningmode="rain",moistureceilmultiplier=8,moisture=285.20336914063,stopsnowthreshold=0,snowlevel=0,moisturefloormultiplier=1,moisturerateoffset=0,noisetime=1130.1789550781,moisturerate=0.25923356413841,wetness=0,tem [**truncated**]
   success = true
   savedata = table: 102DC040

[00:00:23]: [string "../mods/Kitsura/scripts/prefabs/fairybait.l..."]:15: variable 'inst' is not declared
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
    =[C]:-1 in (global) error (C) <-1--1>
    scripts/strict.lua:23 in () ? (Lua) <21-26>
    ../mods/Kitsura/scripts/prefabs/fairybait.lua:15 in (upvalue) GetSpawnPoint (Lua) <12-17>
    ../mods/Kitsura/scripts/prefabs/fairybait.lua:47 in (field) fn (Lua) <19-71>
    scripts/mainfunctions.lua:300 in () ? (Lua) <289-331>
    =[C]:-1 in (method) SpawnPrefab (C) <-1--1>
    scripts/mainfunctions.lua:348 in (global) SpawnPrefab (Lua) <342-350>
    scripts/mainfunctions.lua:365 in (global) SpawnSaveRecord (Lua) <363-405>
    scripts/gamelogic.lua:586 in (upvalue) PopulateWorld (Lua) <349-620>
    scripts/gamelogic.lua:844 in (upvalue) DoInitGame (Lua) <719-923>
    scripts/gamelogic.lua:957 in (local) cb (Lua) <951-958>
    scripts/shardindex.lua:209 in (upvalue) OnLoadSaveDataFile (Lua) <191-210>
[00:00:23]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, fairybait] FAILED	
[00:00:25]: Could not find anim [idle_loop] in bank [liira]
[00:00:25]: Could not find anim [idle_loop] in bank [liira]
[00:00:28]: Reconstructing topology	
[00:00:28]: 	...Sorting points	
[00:00:28]: 	...Sorting edges	
[00:00:28]: 	...Connecting nodes	
[00:00:28]: 	...Validating connections	
[00:00:28]: 	...Housekeeping	
[00:00:28]: 	...Done!	
[00:00:28]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp
[00:00:28]: About to start a shard with these settings:
[00:00:28]:   ShardName: [SHDMASTER]
[00:00:28]:   ShardID: 1
[00:00:28]:   ShardRole: MASTER
[00:00:28]:   MasterHost: (null)
[00:00:28]:   MasterBind:
[00:00:28]:   MasterPort: 10888
[00:00:28]: [Shard] Starting master server
[00:00:28]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 10888 is open in the firewall. 
[00:00:28]: [Shard] Shard server started on port: 10888
[00:00:28]: [IPC] Signal 'DST_Master_Ready' opened  #00000A50
[00:00:28]: [IPC] Sending signal... #00000A50
[00:00:28]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 6B6C3C0EAE1AD0D6
[00:00:28]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:00:28]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:00:28]: Available disk space for save files: 25074 MB
[00:00:28]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.	
[00:00:29]: Reset() returning
[00:00:29]: Registering master server in EU lobby
[00:00:29]: [Shard] Secondary shar Caves(1565614896) connected: [LAN]


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3 hours ago, Thomas Die said:


sorry that was way easier than it should've been, i have no idea why this didn't work before

guess my brain turned off, sorry about that. have fun modding very nice mod to see.

Wow thanks a lot... ı am working on that mod for more than 5 years and its about to finish i can't wait to share and play :/

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