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Item healing amount not changing

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This is the last major thing I need help with in regards to the mod update of mine; basically I have created a function for a healing item that changes depending on sanity, health, and maxhealth. Sorry that I have been using these forums so much.


local function setHealing(owner)
	local sanity = owner.components.sanity and owner.components.sanity.GetPercent() or 0
	local currentHealth = owner.components.health and owner.components.health.current or 0
	local maxHealth = owner.components.health and owner.components.health.maxhealth or 0
	---I know I need to get a variable for the item, but I looked at the inventory item component and I didn't find anything useful
	healing = sanity * (maxHealth - currentHealth)

local function onpickup(inst)
	owner:ListenForEvent("sanitydelta", setHealing)

local function OnDropped(inst)
    owner:RemoveEventCallback("sanitydelta", setHealing)

Update: this is the best I got for the inventoryitem

local function setHealing(owner)
	local sanity = owner.components.sanity and owner.components.sanity.GetPercent() or 0
	local currentHealth = owner.components.health and owner.components.health.current or 0
	local maxHealth = owner.components.health and owner.components.health.maxhealth or 0
	local item = owner.components.inventory and owner.components.inventory:GetInventoryItem
	if item ~= nil then
		healing = sanity * (maxHealth - currentHealth)

Update: PLEASE help me with this. This is the very last thing I need to do before updated my mod. Please I just want this done..............

Edited by Earthyburt
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