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Creating parody crockpot food items

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I am trying to make it when you cook a meal in Warly's crockpot, the lowest stat of the food is increased by 30%. This is the current code I have:

local foods = require("preparedfoods")
for k,recipe in pairs (foods) do
    local p = recipe
    p.priority = p.priority + 10

    if (p.health < p.sanity and p.health < p.hunger) then
        p.health = p.health * 1.3
    if (p.sanity < p.health and p.sanity < p.hunger) then
        p.sanity = p.sanity * 1.3
    if (p.hunger < p.sanity and p.hunger < p.health) then
        p.hunger = p.hunger * 1.3

    p.name = "warly_" .. p.name
    p.no_cookbook = true

	AddCookerRecipe("portablecookpot", p)

This works, but when the food comes out it has no texture or anything. How would I either change the stats of an individual item, or change the texture of an item created by AddCookerRecipe

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On 4/4/2021 at 5:11 AM, decduck3 said:

This works, but when the food comes out it has no texture or anything. How would I either change the stats of an individual item, or change the texture of an item created by AddCookerRecipe

If you make a seperate prefab to 'parody' the crockpot item, it's always going to be invisible. It's an intrinsic flaw with how the preparedfood anims work. Given by what you've made here though you're for sure better at coding than I, but maybe you could make it so any food that comes out of warly's cookpot gets a tag, and then modify the eater component to raise the lowest stat of the food by 30% when eaten if the food has X tag? Idk just spitballing.

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I'm not familiar with tags. So, I'm guessing, that you add a tag, then you can check if an item has that tag later? How would that work with stacking items and such? Can you add tags after an item has been created?

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On 4/5/2021 at 7:18 PM, decduck3 said:

I'm not familiar with tags. So, I'm guessing, that you add a tag, then you can check if an item has that tag later? Can you add tags after an item has been created?

Yes and Yes. Although i am completely unfamiliar with how tags would work in conjunction with stacking, it wouldnt be hard to experiment with to find out. Tags are by far one of the most powerful tools in a modders toolkit so I suggest you do learn about them. You can add a taq by doing x:AddTag("tag"), remove them by doing x:RemoveTag("tag") and check if X has a tag with  x:HasTag("tag")

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So far, this is what I've done. In the stewer component, I created a value called foodtag, and used this code to assign the tag

if self.foodtag ~= nil then

And then in portablecookpot.lua, I do this:

inst.components.stewer.foodtag = "warlyfood"

And then in eater.lua, I have this for each stat:

if food:HasTag("warlyfood") then
	if healthf < hungerf and healthf < sanityf then
		self.inst.components.health:DoDelta(delta * stack_mult * 0.3, nil, food.prefab)

Where the different values are set as each:

local healthf = food.components.edible:GetHealth(self.inst) * base_mult * self.healthabsorption
local hungerf = food.components.edible:GetHunger(self.inst) * base_mult * self.hungerabsorption
local sanityf = food.components.edible:GetSanity(self.inst) * base_mult * self.sanityabsorption

But it still isn't working, and I have no idea why. Any ideas? (btw, I did do a test where I just used health:DoDelta(900), and it worked)


Follow up question: How do I make it that the food is called "Warly's ....." eg "Warly's Meatballs"

Edited by decduck3
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