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Character dosen't appear in mods

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So basically, my character mod shows up in DST, but it's says it's not compatible with DST + is out of date, but when i try to uptade it nothing happenes.

Here is everything in the modinfo.lua if it'll help.

-- This information tells other players more about the mod
name = "Wnyant"
description = "A mod made so you can play as Wnyant"
author = "Big W/Merio"
version = "1.1" -- This is the version of the template. Change it to your own number.

-- This is the URL name of the mod's thread on the forum; the part after the ? and before the first & in the url
forumthread = "/files/file/950-extended-sample-character/"

-- This lets other players know if your mod is out of date, update it to match the current version in the game
api_version = 10

-- Compatible with Don't Starve Together
dst_compatible = true

-- Not compatible with Don't Starve
dont_starve_compatible = false
reign_of_giants_compatible = false
shipwrecked_compatible = false

-- Character mods are required by all clients
all_clients_require_mod = true 

icon_atlas = "modicon.xml"
icon = "modicon.tex"

-- The mod's tags displayed on the server list
server_filter_tags = {

--configuration_options = {}

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I haven't read this too closely, but 'out of date' likely refers to the version number (version = "1.1").  If I had to guess, you've uploaded a version of the mod with a higher version number than the one you're using/testing with, resulting in some sort of error.  Is that possible?  I get an error like this when I upload a mod for my friend to test, then later revert to normal testing and reset the version number on my own version of the mod.

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@FurryEskimo I uploaded to steam the same file i have used in testing, and manually putting makes it work as  it is supposed to, but when i 'subscribe' to the mod on steam it says out of date and not compatibile. the version is 1.2.6 and the api version is 10. Dunno what's the problem.

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