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Dedicated server game character narration

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The language of the game client has been set to Chinese. When I create a game server locally, I enter the game and the language is displayed normally. However, when I create a dedicated server, the language of the characters in the game can only be displayed in English. I am a dedicated server built using docker, and the image is: Jamesits/docker-dst-server. Therefore, in the dedicated server, which configuration files should I adjust to make the narration of the game characters appear in Chinese

2021-03-09 021039.png

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Hi Moac,

I don't know if this will work, but have you tried editing cluster.ini ?  It's in  {{your data directory}}/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/cluster.ini  In that file you can set cluster_language = 

I haven't tried setting that, but it may work.

Here's an example file:


; DO change the name and description please!
lan_only_cluster = false
cluster_intention = social
cluster_password = fooom
cluster_description =
cluster_name = wabagail
offline_cluster = false
cluster_language = en
lan_only_cluster = false
whitelist_slots = 1
autosaver_enabled = true
;tick_rate = 30




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