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Custom action not appearing


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Hello all,

I'm trying to add a custom action to my mod. I've ran into a bunch of errors, but I've finally managed to have the game boot up and not crash. The problem is however, it doesn't actually bring up the prompt to perform said action; only the default ones such as Examine, Attack and Walk To.

local MYACTION = GLOBAL.Action({}, 3)
	MYACTION.str = "Perform Action"
	MYACTION.fn = function(act)
		print("Action performed!")

AddStategraphActionHandler("wilson", GLOBAL.ActionHandler(MYACTION, "dolongaction"))

This is my current code. I've seen other posts bring up stuff like AddComponentAction, but I don't think that exists in DS (undeclared error). Besides, it's not mentioned anywhere in modutils or actions.lua.

Does anyone know why the action isn't coming up in game? I'm really not sure what else to try.
Thank you in advance.

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Update: Fixed it a day or so after posting. I added a component to my custom item which the action was on- turns out there's a method to check whether or not you're hovering over an entity, and then you can insert the action there. Here's an example:

local customcomponent = Class(function(self, inst)
	self.inst = inst

function customcomponent:CollectEquippedActions(doer, target, actions, right)
		table.insert(actions, ACTIONS.MYACTION)

return customcomponent

If anyone's interested, I believe this came from playeractionpicker.lua; there's a couple more like it that handle if you're hovering over an item, for instance.

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