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[Idea/request or mod fuel]

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Here is a QOL think I though of, since I keep being annoyed by the food restrictions cross worlds or on rockets

On the attached picture you see the current rules window for food restrictions, with a row for each world. It would be nice if where I made a red rectangle, or with another additional row per world we could set food rules for new ARRIVANTS. Working just like rules for new dupes.

With that we could have pilots on return automatically forbid bristle berry which is a not rotting food I use for rockets, but don't want the pilot to eat if he's not inside the rocket. On a trash world like the swamp through the teleporter, dupes could be automatically set to eat the trash food found there (I usually send over my mealwood, muckroot, etc).


I think it would be a straightforward way to fix this micromanaging issue. Thoughts?


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