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Please. Please... Stop the jumping notifications

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I know that may sounds like I'm miffed, but it's actually meant to be honest, humble desperation.

I love this game. I play it. A lot.

I can deal with dupes that have a death wish. Fine. So they want to die. That's fine. I've become good at anticipating their shenanigans. I see that as a mechanic.

But I die a bit inside every time I try to click on a specific notification only to have "Idle", or some other momentary nonsense jump in front of my mouse so that I end up clicking that. There must be a way to make those notifications user friendly. I would cry with relief if they at the very least it would stop feeling like I'm being trolled :| maybe show the jumpy stuff you rarely want to click at the bottom left corner of the screen. The idle count especially could be a single numeric variable on the top bar as well. But yeah... There are even "important" messages like "suffocate" that often show repeatedly in quick succession - That is fine - The problem is that it very often causes all the text to jump up and down in succession as well. 

Since these are interactable UI elements they really should not jump around. It is reminiscent of jokes about internet popups intelligently moving around to have a user click them.

Also.. A small thing - Can clicking on a dupe emergency message maybe just put the follow cam on that dupe? The way the zoom in on those events behave have just felt off for the longest time. You click such a notification, and the camera goes to somewhere close to the event. You almost invariably have to hunt around. 


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