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Expanding Chef Pouch

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A while ago I asked this question: 

 And it worked. But when I loaded it on my dedicated server and my friend joined, his hud and stuff was all messed up. I tried to fix it but I couldn't, so I removed the code. I really would like to try to get it to work.



My friend's stat and parts of his hud were disappearing. My hud was fine. It may have been due to me being an admin on the server.

The code (that didn't work):

local require = GLOBAL.require -- Obviously needs a require
local Vector3 = GLOBAL.Vector3 -- Also needs Vector3
local containers = require "containers" -- And containers.lua

Assets = {
    Asset("ANIM", "anim/ui_backpack_2x4.zip"), -- The anim file for the backpack widget

local params = {}

params.spicepack = -- I've kept the name as "spicepack"
	widget =
        slotpos = {
			Vector3(-162, -75 * 0 + 114, 0), -- You have to do it this way since you can't really use a "for" loop outside of a function
			Vector3(-162, -75 * 1 + 114, 0), -- Each one represents one slot
			Vector3(-162, -75 * 2 + 114, 0),
			Vector3(-162, -75 * 3 + 114, 0),
			Vector3(-162 + 75, -75 * 0 + 114, 0),
			Vector3(-162 + 75, -75 * 1 + 114, 0),
			Vector3(-162 + 75, -75 * 2 + 114, 0),
			Vector3(-162 + 75, -75 * 3 + 114, 0),
        animbank = "ui_backpack_2x4", -- Setting the bank
        animbuild = "ui_backpack_2x4", -- And the build
        pos = Vector3(-5, -70, 0),
    issidewidget = true,
    type = "pack",

containers.MAXITEMSLOTS = math.max(containers.MAXITEMSLOTS, params.spicepack.widget.slotpos ~= nil and #params.spicepack.widget.slotpos or 0)

local containers_widgetsetup_base = containers.widgetsetup
function containers.widgetsetup(container, prefab, data)
    local t = params[prefab or container.inst.prefab]
    if t ~= nil then
        for k, v in pairs(t) do
            container[k] = v
        container:SetNumSlots(container.widget.slotpos ~= nil and #container.widget.slotpos or 0)
        containers_widgetsetup_base(container, prefab, data)

Can anyone figure out what was wrong?

Edited by decduck3
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