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2 bugs or rather a bigger one

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1. The "new printables are available" message appears twice or rather has a (2) next to it. (Guessing that´s the cause of the bug) I was on the first colony, saw a good dupe for my second colony and switched view. When I pressed on the print message in the top left I got the regular menu, but when I printed my dupe it appeared on the first colony. Would suggest an option what colony to print to next to the "print" button.

2. (reloading the save fixes this one) Wouldn´t be a big problem since I can just tp the dupe over, but even though I do that, in the skill menu he appears to be in the first colony. In my example it is Turner. He is supposed to be a cook on the second base (where he is located and has a bed), yet he cant interact with the electric grill.




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