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Per-asteroid management tools

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Hi community and devs!

I noticed that you have already implemented management features based on what is available per asteroid (i.e. Vitals, Consumables, Priorities and Skills) so that we can see globally what's going on with our individual colonies.

This is just missing on Schedule which seems like an obvious one, considering all dupes across asteroids all appear in the same scheduling grid and gets confusing when we have dupes who snore or can't sleep without a night light (love it).


Could we please get a clever colony-based Schedule revamp as well?
AND - an option to copy/duplicate a schedule we have already created (like a template, or at least an option to clear a schedule to rework it instead of clicking 24 times to rework a schedule)

Side note:

Do you intend for research capacity to be expandable?
Reason to ask - if Research Stations and Super Computers are built on multiple asteroids, players could have the option to research multiple branches simultaneously allowing us to focus and tech-oriented playstyle.

Not a request per-say, just putting it out there.



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