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[Request] Make hats great again

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I bucket my dupes into jobs -- digger, builder, supplier, cook, etc.  The skill tree does a great job of this, but I end up having to name my dupes with prefixes to find & sort them later for permissions and priorities, and it becomes tedious setting 14 diggers to the same permissions and priorities.

What would it take to change the duplicant access UI for doors (screen, manual airlock, automated airlock) to select just "active hats in colony" (including "no hat") , and apply those permissions to each dupe wearing that hat?  The same idea could be applied to the priorities screen, where you'd set priorities for whatever hats are being used (including "no hat"), and all dupes wearing that hat use those priorities.  A further change could be applied to food permissions as well.

The use-cases for this could include:

  • to allow any duplicant without a hat denied permission to leave the base via an exosuit-gated door
  • only permit "no hat" duplicants into my gym
  • only duplicants with any of the three "operate" hats are allowed into my industrial brick.

Adding a new hat not yet seen by these dialogs would cause the permissions or priorities to inherit the default for that hat, just as when a new duplicant is added to the colony. 

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