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How to move single DST server to another computer?

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Hi all!

I have a personal DST server saved on my desktop, and a co-op DST server saved on my laptop. I am wanting to transfer one server to the other, but I don't want to accidentally overwrite either save.

Looking through the save files, I don't see any indication in file names to help me identify which is which. Is it possible to move a single server over, or are they bundled together in the save files? I have seen this article already but unfortunately those are not the file names that I see in my save folder so I am unable to distinguish what is what. Mine is formatted like this:

With the following files underneath this path:

I had assumed Clusters 1-3 would be indicative of each server, but, these folders/files have not been modified for 4 days, and I have played on servers every day since then, so I would assume the files would have been updated if these were the accurate locations.The file names in each of those folders are all just random assortments of letters and numbers. The client_save file HAS been modified as recently as my last playtime today, but names are very generic: saveindex, player_history, server_preference...they do not indicate specific servers.

I hope this isn't worded too confusing.
Thank you!

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I attached some screenshots of what my file config looks like. I attached the contents of Cluster 2 under the assumption that this would be the server I want to move...but, as you can see, the files weren't modded since 3:09 PM. If you look in the client_save file, those were modded most recently at 3:55 PM (which is when I disconnected from server.) I hope this helps someone in assisting me :)




DST .png

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