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Supplying to disabled consumers are completely blocked. This makes no sense.

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Algae diffusers, coal generators, etc do not recieve deliveries when disabled by for example an automation circuit.

This is an unnecessary hurdle gameplay wise as you cannot stock up on a fuel buffer BEFORE you need the power (or oxygen). You simply have to wait for the consumer to become active in which case the consumer is completely empty. Only then will a dupe supply it.

This is especially prevalent if you are using remote coal generators with a smart battery, or remote algae diffuser with configurable atmo sensor.

There was a mod that at least fixed this issue for the coal generator https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1770183323
It's down since last update. And basically the vanilla mechanic is driving me insane.

I urge you Klei. This needs to change. Consumers should be able to be resuplied EVEN when disabled.

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