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More realistic handling of gas distribution please

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I've been playing for a few hundred hours and understand the basic mechanics of the game.  Some of the physics is impressive, even if not 100% accurate.  However there is one aspect I've found a bit frustrating and that is the behavior of gases.

In real life, a common way to heat or cool a building is via a central HVAC system.  This method of heating or cooling is almost entirely ineffective in ONI.  It is far more efficient to cool via liquids, or other methods like building a tempshift plate out of ice.  I am not sure exactly why gas cooling/heating is so ineffective in ONI relative to a real-life HVAC system, but I suspect it is a combination of two things:

  1. A real HVAC system pushes far more air through the system a lot faster than the speed of a gas pump in ONI, probably 10X or 100X faster
  2. Gases mix faster in real life than they do in ONI - try letting some chlorine loose in a real building and see how long before you can smell it everywhere

Related to this, the overall re-distribution of gas is very slow.  Let's say you have a building that has been pumped to a low pressure, almost like a vacuum.  (I did this to my colony once by accident, trying to clean out CO2.)  Now, open an airlock to the outside, which maybe has 2kg pressure of polluted oxygen.  You'd expect the air outside to rush into the vacuum.  But it does not, it slowly seeps in over the matter of days.

Lastly, it seems like the rule everyone is familiar with, "heat rises", which really means "hot air rises", doesn't really happen in ONI, or again happens far too slowly.  I had a base on Rime where the bottom was full of heated water, and the top of the base stayed cold, the warm air at the bottom stayed there when in fact it should have risen up due to being lower pressure.

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