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3 boards, 5 silks and 9 moon shards.


I know that anything related to cooking now will be tied to the sea. But...

If preserving dehydrated foods is an age-old practice, and there are dried meat in the game.

So why don't we have dehydrated fruits and vegetables?

So I suggest this,

Some fruits or vegetables give more dehydrated slices than others.

Dehydrated foods heal more and quench longer.

They last longer until they spoil.

Dehydrated food is half its original value for crock pot recipes.
(Especially if the food in question becomes several dehydrated slices).

Dehydrated foods can be essential to making teas or soups in the crock pot.

And they can give sanity in the case of dehydrated bananas.

Or take sanity in the case of dehydrated tomatoes.

Dehydrated foods like garlic and pepper can still be ground by Warly.
But recipes like:

Stuffed Eggplant;
Banana pop;
Fancy Spiralled Tubers.

Cannot be cooked with dehydrated slices.

What do you think?

Thanks for reading

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Well we do have dried kelp fronds for the drying rack, and if you get about 30-40 of the bull kelp stalks on the beach and plant them around a boat, you can amass that many fronds in about 3 days and dry them in .25 days. With Wurt you will never go hungry or insane ever again, and for most other characters I love it as a way to not worry about food when I want to accomplish other things. 

A few drying racks on the ocean and you'll survive for a long time very easily. It could be challenging to add dehydration for veggies and fruits because it may conflict with cooking in the sense of what is better to do, cooking or drying? Other than that, it sounds very nice. 

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