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Quality of life buffs for Wurt

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I got wurt the other day and there were a 2 main things that were not fun to deal with about the character.

The first was that live freshwater fish don't stack each of them taking up an individual inventory space. This makes it very annoying to stock pile fish for building merm houses and trading with the King of the Merms. This also makes fish more time consuming to collect for food since you need to spend time to murder them so that they stack. So a nice buff to Wurt and a buff to fish as food, would be to let freshwater fish be stackable again.

The other thing I found not fun, which compounded with the last problem, is the long uninterruptible animation that the King of the Merms does when you give him a fish. It is painfully slow when you on average need to trade around 70 fish to him in order to get 10 tentacle spots. This same problem is not there for the Pig King. The Pig King pops out gold fast and lets you give him more meat or trinkets very fast. Currently you need to give the Murm King individual fish in your inventory and if you try to spam click giving him fish and you are holding a weapon you will automatically attack him after giving him a fish which is annoying. So another nice buff to Wurt would be to make giving fish to the Murm King as fast and satisfying as giving a stack of Frazzled Wires to the Pig King. This would be complimented by allowing fish to stack.

Hopefully something can be done about this. Making a Merm army feels like it takes too much effort for the payoff. What do other Wurt players think on this?

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