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DST Detailed Character Suggestion - Wyndel, the Silent Wanderer

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Hello, I'd like to introduce my character creation: Wyndel, the Silent Wanderer! He is a shadowy being who appeared one day and stuck around. He never speaks besides the odd moan or hiss, and the other residents of the Constant prefer to keep their distance. Though he may be one with the nightmares, Charlie is still hostile towards him for unknown reasons. Perhaps he does not belong...?

Please take your time reading this as I spent a while thinking about this character's mechanics! :)

Stats: 200 hp, 150 hunger, 100 sanity, -5/m sanity modifier

Curio Cabinet Bio: A mere shadow of his former self, Wyndel roams the Constant in search of he knows not what, keeping company with the nightmares and things that go 'bump' in the night.

Perks: Can befriend nightmares (see below,) knows dark secrets, is stronger against Shadow Creatures

Drawbacks: Is not good at fighting, only eats Nightmare Fuel or Nightmare Food (see below,) will be targeted by Pigs and Bunnymen as he is a monster, is nearly always insane

Ability: Wyndel's main ability is befriending Shadow Creatures. When he is insane, Crawling Horrors and Terrorbeaks will remain neutral to him and will only attack if provoked. If he hits one, all nearby Shadow Creatures will become hostile until killed, fed a Nightmare Fuel, or left alone for 20 seconds. If a Shadow Creature is allied and Wyndel attacks another Creature, his allied Creature will attack the other one. Additionally, if Wyndel has been the last one to place fuel on a Fire, Night Hands will not attempt to steal the flames.

If Wyndel feeds a Terrorbeak or Crawling Horror a Nightmare Fuel, they will become allied, similarly to allied Pigs or Webber's Spiders. They will not attack other players unless attacked, and will target anything Wyndel attacks. One Nightmare Fuel will make a Shadow Creature loyal for 1.5 days, after which they will vanish if not fed before the timer runs out. If Wyndel's sanity increases below 20% of his maximum, all of his Shadow Creature allies will become intangible and will become neutral again, losing their loyalty. If his sanity drops below 20% again and they become tangible, they must be fed again to become allied. Feeding one Nightmare Fuel to a Creature will also restore 35% of their total health as well as extending the timer. Wyndel can only have 3 shadow creatures allied at once; if he feeds a fourth, whichever allied creature has the lowest amount of time left on their loyalty timer will become neutral again. In addition, Shadow Splumonkeys will remain neutral towards him. When insane, Shadow Creature spawning is increased 1.5x and spawn cap is increased 2x.

Wyndel has a 2x damage modifier when fighting Shadow Creatures, but otherwise has a 0.75x damage modifier. He can craft all Tier 1 Magic Items without the use of a Prestihatitator, making him able to craft a Shadow Manipulator a little earlier.

When Wyndel first spawns in, he has 10 Nightmare Fuel in his inventory.

Food: As a shadow being, Wyndel is unable to consume normal food. He can only eat Nightmare Fuel and Nightmare Food. Each Nightmare Fuel restores 35 Hunger, 20 Sanity, and 3 Health. However, if Wyndel drops a piece of normal food on the ground and drags a Nightmare Fuel from his inventory onto the food, he will mix them together on the ground to create a Nightmare version of said food. The Nightmare version will restore the same statistics of its previous form, but will have 1.5x extra spoilage time. I will include pictures of Nightmare Food below as a visual idea.

Overall, Wyndel is not a combat character unless he has allied Shadows, so he is similar to Wendy in that respect. The player will have to spend a lot of time farming Shadow Creatures for Nightmare Fuel as the fuel is his only source of food and combat. While he does have a significant sanity drain, this can be combated with items such as the Tam o' Shanter or other sanity-restoring items. As he has nothing to fear from Shadows, he could be an ideal character to raid the ruins with, but his 0.75x combat modifier is still something to take into consideration.

See the attached items for pictures. Let me know what you guys think!


- Wyndel makes no sound when he walks

- His voice sounds like the whispers one hears when insane. Whenever he examines things, it is always "..."

- Wyndel's eyes glow in the dark, meaning that even when standing in complete darkness, they can be seen.

- If any other character examines him, they will usually comment that he makes them feel uneasy, or will state that they don't entirely trust him.




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