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Late(er) game Dupes, I'd like the skilled ones to get an ending...

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Might be insane, but, I would like some alternative to a skill scrubber. Now, to be honest, I've never even established an actual structure above the surface of the asteroid (I keep refining existing systems), but I feel like the dupes are too...... static? (Not sure how to convey the idea). When I have a dupe with 35 skill points to be assigned, or w/e, I don't feel like there's anything to do with them. I don't care about who is doing what, I look at the skills and set the priorities and ignore them while I assign tasks, assuming they will be completed. I miss actually looking at who is doing what, and going; "Aw damn, Ren is trying to build the diamond tempshift plate, I need him to be better/ assign someone more skilled....". I'd like some sort of system where you could build a rocket (Probably a decent distance one) and have the dupe spend time preparing to go off on their own, possibly with others, to found a new asteroid. I'm not trying to play this new colony, but to have it be a nice way to retire dupes who I can't make better. I'd like this to be an alternative to the skill scrubber, where I  don't want to kill a dupe, but I miss the management of who is doing what. An alternative to get the feeling of guiding a new dupe without ending a prior dupe's life. Where they feel adequately prepared to venture off on their own, and I can take on a new dupe and train them while feeling good about the prior's departure. Hell, maybe the higher the skill points the dupe has, the higher distance rocket is required to dismiss them? Am I nuts, or does this seem like an interesting way to continue gameplay when you aren't struggling to survive?

Sorry for the paragraph... Have a great night,



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