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Oxygen not included mods don't work offline

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The title says it all. I have tried to put the mods in the mods folder (I use Linux so that is in the unity3d folder) but that doesn't work ( I have tried both the full folders and the separate dll's. If I go offline, the mods menu displays the correct amount of mods but doesn't name them and when I load a save they don't load. Can anybody help here, I have had problems with Steam Workshop and offline mode before on Cities:Skylines but there I could load them separately and I can't even find that out here.

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Inside the mods folders, create a new folder called "local".
For each mod you want to use while offline, put all files in the mod inside of the local folder. Each mod should have its own unique folder inside of local.

An example path would look like this:

Any mods that appear in the local folder should always appear, even if offline. The mod name would appear as "LocalMod" in the above example.

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