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SOLVED (kinda) Help Eating Insects

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I'm working on creating a character based on a robin. Ideally she would be able to eat live insects, but I've hit a snag.

When hovering over the insects, "murder" still comes up as the option rather than "eat." Does anyone know a workaround for this?

Here's what I have in my modmain right now:

local avian_food = {"butterfly",}
local function AddAvian(inst)
for k,v in pairs(avian_food) do
    AddPrefabPostInit(v, AddAvian)

AddPrefabPostInit("butterfly", function(inst)    
inst.components.edible.foodtype = GLOBAL.FOODTYPE.AVIAN    
inst.components.edible.healthvalue = 5
inst.components.edible.sanityvalue = 5 
inst.components.edible.hungervalue = 5

Edited by Birdskull
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I don't know much about LUA and MODs, but I think you need to write a "local function" in your mod script to make it edible. Like your code is now, maybe the game will not understant that your mod are saying: Now every butterflies and bees are edible.

There is a mod who make Hambats edible. You could look the files of this mod and see its codes. :)


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18 minutes ago, Joy Machs said:

I don't know much about LUA and MODs, but I think you need to write a "local function" in your mod script to make it edible. Like your code is now, maybe the game will not understant that your mod are saying: Now every butterflies and bees are edible.

There is a mod who make Hambats edible. You could look the files of this mod and see its codes. :)


Thank you! Alas, it appears that edible hambat only lets you put the bat in the crockpot, not eat it outright.

My code above does work for making things edible, say if I substitute a crow feather instead of butterflies/bees/mosquitoes.

It just gets hung up on the "murder" when I use it with living inventory items and I don't know how to remove that. :c

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45 minutes ago, Birdskull said:

Thank you! Alas, it appears that edible hambat only lets you put the bat in the crockpot, not eat it outright.

I tested the MOD now and I could check that to eat the Ham Bat, you need burn it with a flame source. So it will become a "fried_ham_bat". So... thinking about it, the same way the autor of this mod was able to turn the hambat burnable, you could make this insects edible...

Inside modmain and item scripts, the only code I think could be helpful is this:

AddPrefabPostInit("hambat", function(inst)
	if not GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
        return inst
    GLOBAL.MakeSmallBurnable(inst, TUNING.SMALL_BURNTIME)

It's the only time he mention the item "ham_bat" inside the files. Said that, couldn't you make a component who turn the insect edible in "modmain.lua"?

I think I can't help more than that. :)

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Alright, for anyone else who might be looking for a way for their character to eat insects, I solved this by creating a "dead" food prefab of each of the insects that they drop upon being murdered.


Here's the code for adding to their loot tables:

AddPrefabPostInit("bee", function(inst)    
inst.components.lootdropper:AddRandomLoot("YOURITEM1", 1)
inst.components.lootdropper:AddRandomLoot("honey", 1)
inst.components.lootdropper:AddRandomLoot("stinger", 5)   
inst.components.lootdropper.numrandomloot = 1

inst.components.cookable.product = "YOURITEM1_COOKED"

AddPrefabPostInit("killerbee", function(inst)  
inst.components.lootdropper:AddRandomLoot("YOURITEM2", 1)
inst.components.lootdropper:AddRandomLoot("honey", 1)
inst.components.lootdropper:AddRandomLoot("stinger", 5)   
inst.components.lootdropper.numrandomloot = 1

inst.components.cookable.product = "YOURITEM2_COOKED"

AddPrefabPostInit("mosquito", function(inst)    
    {'mosquitosack', .5},
    {'YOURITEM3', .5},

inst.components.cookable.product = "YOURITEM3_COOKED"

Edited by Birdskull
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