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Thoughts about the new update and the mid-game

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I love it! I really like the needed added challenge. I mean I only owned the game for 3 days but I've been stuck with the same problem all the time. "Now what?"You see, most of the time by day 40 if you know the basics of the game you're practically stuck with "now what?" because there's nothing left to do and this changes that somewhat a little I guessI hate hate hate hate the new road though. I love the old road, sure it's mysterious and popped out a lot of questions about the whys, but the old roads (especially after the zig-zag insanity upgrade) absolutely made the world much more unique. Like making it add a sense of weirdness and out of worldness. And it also contributes to the unique style of tim burton-esque fantasy themed alice in wonderland mystique you have going on in the world.Please add the old road back, it will be so much betterAnyway, I've seen a lot of people seems to be desperate for a better mid-game. I honestly have a simple suggestion to this: vanity items and structures!You see a lot of people are stuck in their camp wondering "now what". The sad reality is that they "won" the game. They basically survived the worst of the world, and usually it's achievable by day 20 if you know what you're doingand suddenly a lot of people starts to quit when the game became tedious and boring as all you do is standing with stockpiled food with occasional escape/fights from deerclops or hounds. Like I said before I only own the game for three days and occasionally been stuck in this positionYou can try adding more various kind of monsters to make surviving more harder but vanity structures also works wonder to prolong the game for people who already got the basics of survivalmake us be able to build chairs, table, carpet, doors, cages, more traps, stairs, roofs, second-story floorings, vases of flowers, etc. and suddenly you just added more hours to these people. They won't be stuck with "now what" but instead "hmm, I guess if I add some chairs to my house it would look nice, time to get out and explore. tomorrow maybe I can find rocks to get that stone table. And maybe some beefalo hair for that fur carpet is also nice, but I don't want to risk a stampede so maybe a silk carpet will have to do" and then on and on. They would be thinking all the time about the risk of getting some resources of some structures against another.you see, heck just adding several vanity or decorative structures do the job, you don't have to make animations or uses for these structures. The fact that they're there is enoughThat is my thoughts, I really hope the best for you guys!! :D

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