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Fuel Bar disappearing when maxed

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I am having the same issue as the last post on this thread 


I added a fuel bar to my item and the fuel bar disappears when the fuel is maxed. I use this code to change the meter but when new = 10 it just disappears.  I have the image/folder for 10 in the chest_meter anim so I'm am not sure why it isn't showing up.

local function OnFuelSectionChange(new, old, inst)
    if inst._fuellevel ~= new then
        inst._fuellevel = new
		inst.AnimState:OverrideSymbol("swap_meter", "chest_meter", tostring(new))

I can upload the mod if you need it.

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I came up with a solution of having the swap_meter as the full bar and just using ClearOverrideSymbol to remove the OverrideSymbol.  This seems like a hack to my issue but don't think there will be any issues with it.

local function OnFuelSectionChange(new, old, inst)

    if inst._fuellevel ~= new then
		inst._fuellevel = new
		if inst._fuellevel == 10 then
			inst.AnimState:OverrideSymbol("swap_meter", "chest_meter", tostring(new))



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