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Dedicated Server Play

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Played for a very short time last night on the dedicated servers hosted by Klei, I found the following:



**Really need a way to tell what season the server is in, I spawned in one and it was winter and I just simply died trying desperately to find a SINGLE resource, or something to set on fire as willow


(so this comment kind of complains of two things, also kind of lame to spawn in a barren wasteland for miles of spawn)


**Okay, so I cheated and kept logging in and out to get the cold down, and when I did finally get to a patch of something to burn....I wasn't able to burn it, this continued to other games as well, other players seemed capable of setting things on fire, but I was not able too I would just get the animation of an out stretched arm and no fire would occur.


**/msg <name> command.  It got uber annoying when I did get into a restarted world to have to try and "get back on screen" with the guy who I partnered up with to send private messages.


**Restart world vote option ... seven ghosts got to sit around while the eighth final dude trolled us for five minutes toying with our time until he decided to die and restart.  I dunno, maybe make it a 66% vote needed?  With at least 3 players on the server?


*********Last but not least, and surely you guys are working on it.  Latency is BAHD, I don't know if I never noticed it before because I was host, but DST is frankly not fun to play at the moment if I am a player, not a host.  The lag from everything of picking something up, swinging my axe or spear, to being able to guess when I harvest grass, moving away before the animation stops and still collecting.  Latency needs a lot of work.


(Note, I have only been a "player" on the dedicated servers) which I was thrilled to see last night as I was really hesitant to play on another's hosted world and have him shut it down when he wanted to goto bed.

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