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Rolling back to a snapshot for a dedicated server?

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Hello! I have a dedicated server on Ubuntu that seems to be running fine. My one problem I can't seem to figure out is how to use the snapshots. I have enable_snapshots = true in the settings.ini but when I log on on my (Mac) client version of the game, I don't see a way to rollback. I tried going to "Host Server" to see if I could manage the server from the Manage Server screen but the dedicated server does not show up in any of the slots to manage.


I know it's using the correct/same token because when I log into the dedicated server, it shows it me as an admin.


Also, is there a way to set intervals for snapshots in settings.ini?




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I have the same question and was about to post today about it. 


Sorry I don't have more to contribute, but when poking around I'm seeing folders in the save\server directory that may have something to do with it. They appear I believe in the server console at times. 


[Windows 7]...


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