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Klei Help Please!

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Sometimes during the game my character will not be able to force attack "pressing x on controller" instead my character will stutter step like he's bugged but not attack. Lock on attack still works. Restarting, updating, and playing on a vanilla server does not fix it. The only fix I've found is to create a WHOLE new microsoft account. But it continues to glitch. I've already made 3 accounts in the last 3 days. Normally I don't catch it right when it happens but this last playthrough I did. It happens when I pick up a random item of any kind. This last time I went to pick up a Zirkoniam Crystal Ball. My character said " I can't do that" and the bug happened. The character stutter steps instead of attacking. Please provide me some relief. I'm playing on an Xbox One. I have a couple second video showing the glitch but can only email it, to large for here.  UPDATE: uninstalling the game does nothing. However, if I delete all saved data to one of the affected accounts the bug is no longer there and I can attack, however I lose all saved items and data with that account and the bug is still bound to happen during that new playthrough.  Another UPDATE: the item does not matter, I was spam clicking A, about to pick up a twig when my character said I cant do that and the glitch began. I BELIEVE ITS FROM SPAM CLICKING 'A' attempting to pick up an item. 

Steps to Reproduce

Seems to be when picking up items, maybe to quickly, or could be the crystal ball, not sure. Glitches the WHOLE account, not just for that play session. 

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