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(red) stress status affliction not going away in rocket

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I trapped a dupe on the surface and to survice it went into a rocket i had available with air.
Now the dupe is trapped and staying in the rocket.

I noticed that the stress afflictions she gets are not going away they are staying.

So currently she is in the rocket with plenty of air (17KG per tile @ 24CĀ celcius) and made a mess because the outhouse was disabled before i noticed she was stuck.

Her afflictions are seen in the screenshot.
confirming it doesn't go away is that she still has the low oxygen, cold air, made a mess, soggy feet, full bladder while she's been living there for almostĀ 1 cycle)

In the screenshot i pasted the outside aswell. She is stuck because the ladder's ar not yet finished to get out. (left side is dead end)

Kind regards,
WhiteShadow Fox

Steps to Reproduce

I have not yet tried to reproduce it.

Basically what happened is that when she was inside the rocket area another dupe finished the last 2 isolated tiles on the bottom right. Causing her to be stuck.She escaped to the rocket to get air and stayed there since there where no other tasks available for her.

afflictions stuck dupe in rocket 2-dec-2020.png

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