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New critter drop off bugs

  • Branch: Preview Branch Version: Windows Fixed

Clarify automation ports

I was excited when I saw automation ports on the new drop offs as using mechanical doors to disable buildings looks ugly, but they don't seem to be useful. It says it's an output port but it's visually an input port. The automation port also doesn't seem to trigger regardless of the limit set, and a red signal doesn't seem to disable either.


Critter drop off limit is not species-specific

The flavor text+patch notes suggest that the new drop off should only count that particular species, but that does not appear to be the case. (8 dreckos+1 pip in stable should report 1/8 instead of 9/8 when filtered to just pips) The new critter pickup is species-specific, so I'm guessing the inconsistent behavior is a bug. Screenshot2024-02-18205959.png.a747f23c96af036cb762a350f61e9b29.png

Critter pick up missing priorities

The critter pick up is missing a Priority setting. 



Steps to Reproduce

Use the new buildings

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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