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Logfile Warnings

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Pending

Some warnings from the logfile (only one occurence for each, check the logfile for more), most seem like just some missing settings, maybe easy to fix?

I guess stuff like
[16:18:12.115] [1] [WARNING] Chore FarmFetch is requesting Phosphorite 4.005432E-05 to FarmTileComplete
is due to the simulation doing small rounding errors and ending up with not-quite-full values?


[13:59:04.514] [1] [WARNING] Tried loading prefab with duplicate tag, ignoring: HighEnergyParticle
[13:59:19.500] [1] [WARNING] World STRINGS.WORLDS.VANILLASWAMPDEFAULT.NAME: defines subworldNames that are not used in unknownCellsAllowedSubworlds:
[13:59:39.577] [1] [WARNING] BasicSingleHarvestPlantSeed Missing modifier: Illumination
[13:59:50.975] [1] [WARNING] True Timelapse.OnNewDay but worldsToScreenshot is not empty
[13:59:51.004] [1] [WARNING] Insufficient keys to cover root plan menu Max of 14 keys supported but TUNING.BUILDINGS.PLANORDER has 15
[14:00:08.395] [1] [WARNING] missing 'ui' anim in 'artifacts_kanim (KAnimFile)'
[14:05:52.995] [1] [WARNING] Missing Anim: [0x2CE57C78]. You may have to run Collect Anim on the Assets prefab
[14:05:52.995] [1] [WARNING] Missing anims: 0x2CE57C78
[14:12:42.954] [1] [WARNING] Tried to add disease on toilet use but worker was null
[14:45:41.333] [1] [WARNING] True Timelapse.OnNewDay but worldsToScreenshot is not empty
[14:53:42.584] [1] [WARNING] null IceCooledFanComplete (IceCooledFanWorkable) was asked to instantly finish but it has infinite work time! Override InstantlyFinish in your workable!
[14:58:14.613] [1] [WARNING] World has been destroyed before prioritizable <link="REGOLITH">Regolith</link>
[15:01:21.985] [1] [WARNING] RockCrusherComplete is missing symbol seed_saltPlant
[16:19:20.052] [1] [WARNING] Failed to Unsubscribe event handler: UtilityNetworkLink+<>c.Void <.cctor>b__20_0(UtilityNetworkLink, System.Object)
Not subscribed to event
[18:23:42.230] [1] [WARNING] PickupComplete seed MushroomSeed (MushroomPlant_Original) (Pickupable) moved 43377 != 44014
[18:26:02.239] [1] [WARNING] Failed to Unsubscribe event handler: StationaryChoreRangeVisualizer+<>c.Void <.cctor>b__29_0(StationaryChoreRangeVisualizer, System.Object)
Not subscribed to event
[18:39:11.742] [1] [WARNING] Tried to add disease on toilet use but worker was null
[18:42:31.542] [1] [WARNING] null LiquidConduitComplete (Repairable) was asked to instantly finish but it has infinite work time! Override InstantlyFinish in your workable!
[20:15:06.036] [1] [INFO] Pickupable <link="GOLDAMALGAM">Gold Amalgam</link> (Pickupable) is not valid for chore because it has none of these tags: PrickleFruit,Meat,FishMeat,Lettuce,RawEgg,SpiceNut
[20:15:06.036] [1] [WARNING] Removing deliverable <link="GOLDAMALGAM">Gold Amalgam</link> (Pickupable) for a delivery to <link="REFRIGERATOR">Refrigerator</link> (Storage) which did not request it
[21:28:22.731] [1] [WARNING] MetalRefineryComplete is missing symbol cobalt_refined
[21:29:24.020] [1] [WARNING] <link="WATER">Water</link> An ore got a melt message from the sim but it's still the correct temperature for its state!
[23:09:30.856] [1] [WARNING] Missing KPrefabID reference: 2940968
[23:09:45.657] [1] [WARNING] Missing KPrefabID reference: 2940977
[23:18:19.961] [1] [WARNING] Stopped work as soon as I started. This is usually a sign that a chore is open when it shouldn't be or that it's preconditions are wrong.
[00:02:35.859] [1] [WARNING] GetSoleOwner called on AssignmentGroup with 31 members (I have 31 dupes)
[00:06:03.269] [1] [WARNING] ConsumeMouseScroll is true onHabitatModuleSideScreen , but screen has not been activated. Mouse scrolling might not work properly on this screen.
[01:31:40.031] [1] [WARNING] MaterialNeeds.UpdateNeed called with invalid worldId -1


Steps to Reproduce

Play the game and look into the logfile?

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