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Bleeding Clicks - OSX

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: OSX Pending

(My system details are attached)

I was happy to see that one of the new features/fixes for the DLC was to make clicking notifications easier so as to avoid inadvertently opening up videos, etc.

On a related note, one annoyance I found was that my in-game clicks tended to bleed into other tiles.

For example:

  1. Mouse down on a tile to dig.
  2. Mouse up, then quickly move away.
  3. My selection would often bleed into the tile in the direction I moved away, sometimes into 3 or more tiles.

After many hours playing the DLC (which I love!) I've adjusted my actions to compensate. I now make sure my clicks are much more deliberate and slower. It feels like the mouse up and move events are being processed out of order, so instead of a "mouse down, mouse up, move"  it's being treated as a "mouse down, drag, mouse up".

Not sure if this is just my setup, or if others have experienced the same.


Steps to Reproduce
  1. Mouse down on a tile to dig.
  2. Mouse up, then quickly move away.
  3. My selection would often bleed into the tile in the direction I moved away, sometimes into 3 or more tiles.

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